• What is Core-Exiles ? What is Core-Exiles ?

    In the far-flung future, most of humanity live safely within The Core, a place of rigid control and conformity. You [...]

  • Community Forums Community Forums

    Here are Core-Exiles we have been tending to our community of players for over a decade now. We try to [...]

  • Sign Up Play Today! Sign Up Play Today!

    To CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT – Simply either click the ‘Create Account’ link at over on the right of this [...]


Naristro & Coalition Weapon Systems

Naristro & Coalition Weapon Systems

It’s been some time in the making but it seems the Naristro and Coalition have eventually got their plans in order and agreed on an initial release of Schematics and Defences for Expanse Settlements. The Naristro were never going to be the most ecstatic when [...]


Crafting XP – Updated

Crafting XP – Updated

CE has been around now for a very long time. In that time the goal posts for many ‘Professions’ have moved over. Game resources have increased substantially as have the availability. What’s rare today is likely to be common tomorrow. Crafting in CE was initially [...]


Salvage Discriminators

Salvage Discriminators

Salvage is a hard won profession. It take a lot of Fuel, time and dedication. Choosing which section to mine that session and trying to figure out where Coops hid all the cool loot. It does contain within it though some very cool loot indeed, [...]


Genesis – Prepping For Battle

Genesis – Prepping For Battle

It’s been a while in coming and this was due to several factors some in game and some real life but today we move one step closer to being able to use all those toys you have been creating over on your Genesis Plots. Today [...]


Community Forums

Community Forums

Here are Core-Exiles we have been tending to our community of players for over a decade now. We try to read every post and listen to their thoughts and suggestions. In fact most of the great additions over the games history have come from players [...]


Server Wide Challenge

Server Wide Challenge

My post earlier today dealt with the Flag Collection activities for the 2014 World Cup Prize. You can Read about it HERE. This post is about a separate challenge. We know from the last time we did this event that there were thousands of Flags [...]


Get the Flags Out….

Get the Flags Out….

Not that any of you will need telling – but the FIFA World Cup starts on the 12th of this month and runs through till the 13th of July. Last time we had our first World Cup fun and added 32 Flags to the game. [...]