Community Forums

Here are Core-Exiles we have been tending to our community of players for over a decade now. We try to read every post and listen to their thoughts and suggestions.

In fact most of the great additions over the games history have come from players suggestions. We strive to keep a family orientated friendly environment for players to post and discuss CE (and life) with their fellow captains.

We run regular competitions and giveaways through the forums, so there is no reason to NOT visit us. You will need to create a new account (Please use your CE captain name).

All accounts are hand processed to ensure that the spam bots are kept our, so please bare with us whilst you forum account is processed. But once done your welcome to come and join in the friendly posting environment we call home.

We also have a section set aside for VIĀ  and Blind players to post questions and general chat relating to playing CE from a VI point of view.

The Dev’s and Staff of Core-Exiles work hard on its community. Unlike many browser-based games that are all about the numbers and very little about listening, we like to promote a warm and friendly environment for discussion.

Many of the in game professions and spin-off’s came originally from suggestions. So if you have an idea or would like to contribute please use our community Forums.

Core Exiles Community Forums






  1. Elkhorn says:

    If you haven’t visited in a while, Core Exiles has recently undergone a face lift (still in progress in fact) with new images throughout and more added content!
    The game continues to grow and evolve. Don’t worry, you are not too late to join in!

  2. akkamaddi says:

    This is a game with a great community, and a growing body of online documentation. I created my account in June 2014, and there are players who were here years before me. The developer is active on the discord and forums.

  3. Jerry Yontz says:

    Core Exiles is the best online game ever. Highy recommended and Coops and Staff are the greatest.
    Captain Jedimiah

  4. Paris Dalton says:

    I love the Core Exiles community! The forums are so full of great information. The rest of the game it just as great!

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