• What is Core-Exiles ? What is Core-Exiles ?

    In the far-flung future, most of humanity live safely within The Core, a place of rigid control and conformity. You [...]

  • Community Forums Community Forums

    Here are Core-Exiles we have been tending to our community of players for over a decade now. We try to [...]

  • Sign Up Play Today! Sign Up Play Today!

    To CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT – Simply either click the ‘Create Account’ link at over on the right of this [...]


Expanse Growing Pains

Expanse Growing Pains

It was a long time coming, but eventually yesterday we saw the release of Settlements in the Expanse. I figured this was worthy of a special news post as it opens up new avenues for Core-Exiles Players. Settlements are an integral part of the game [...]


Expanse Settlements [Released]

Expanse Settlements [Released]

Some of the eagle eyed amongst you will have spotted that we released Expanse Settlements earlier today. This is the culmination of months of work and testing and allows for Settlements to now be deployed in the Expanse. You will Find a Primer Over HERE [...]


Easter Weekend 2K Fuel Boost

Easter Weekend 2K Fuel Boost

As we enter into this long Easter Bank Holiday Weekend (for many of us) I thought I’d share a little Easter Egg with you and have twisted the Arm of the Fuel Depot manager to add 2,000 Fuel to Each and every Core-Exiles Account. I [...]


Win 20 Festive Tokens!

Win 20 Festive Tokens!

This is a simple competition but one worthy none the less. From our point we get your thoughts good and bad and from the visitors point of view they get to see the player base supporting their favourite Space based browser game. For you – [...]


Eggcentric News!

Eggcentric News!

Over the years I’ve been reporting news here at the ISN News Studios the one that always amazes me is the lengths the criminals will go to each year to try and steal the much sought after ‘Egg Collection’. A few years ago this collection [...]


Festive Fun Tokens

Festive Fun Tokens

We are about to start our Easter Festivities, these will run on for the rest of the month capping out at the end. But rather than just the usual gaggle of Festive items and competitions I thought lets add something slightly new. So I created [...]


Naristro Employment Ruling 401

Naristro Employment Ruling 401

Hi there folks Gus Givens here with more news as it unfurls from the trade talks under way at Coalition1 in Yam. A large trade and workers delegation is in talks with counterparts from the Naristro government. So far it appears that the Naristro are [...]