Festive Store Update

Today sees an update to the Festive Store with the addition of some new tabbed links in the main section when viewing the Festive Store Stocks for sale. Up till now the entire list was always displayed and players had to try and find the elements they were looking for.

I have separated the store in to C.E.S Stock, Implants, Ship Pimp Stock and Other Stock. This will make it slightly easier for our VI friends to find what their are looking for without having to trawl through what was becoming a very long list.

The ‘Other Category’ covered everything not found in the former categories. You will also find that as of today the ‘Ship Pimp Stock’ is now active and populated. You can read bout this subject over in the Guides Section OVER HERE

I have also left the ‘View All’ option in place for those who just want the original full list.

In addition, Level 6 Settlements can now contract out the services of the Festive Store if you wish to add that to your local promenade for easier access.


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