• What is Core-Exiles ? What is Core-Exiles ?

    In the far-flung future, most of humanity live safely within The Core, a place of rigid control and conformity. You [...]

  • Community Forums Community Forums

    Here are Core-Exiles we have been tending to our community of players for over a decade now. We try to [...]

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Wormhole Anchor Maintenance

Wormhole Anchor Maintenance

I took a little time out today to add the final leg of the Wormhole Anchor system. Many of you already have an N.E.I device, having either purchased it yourself or obtained it through your Guild. N.E.I’s allow you to use the Wormhole Anchors, but [...]


Horizon Blockade Removed

Horizon Blockade Removed

Hi there folks, Gus Givens here with exciting news for the explorer faction amongst you. This morning has seen the removal of the blockade action that was in place surrounding the planet Horizon in Kalerd. Late last night, scientists handed over their findings to the [...]


Second Genesis Planet

Second Genesis Planet

Gus had spoken, and it appears that the second firing of a Genesis Device has gone off perfectly. No loss of life and the planet is currently in its ‘Cooking Phase’. You can read about itĀ OVER HERE Meanwhile some of you will not know what [...]


Horizon is Cooking!

Horizon is Cooking!

Hi there folks, Gus Givens here with all things Genesis! Earlier today the system of Kalerd was cordoned off. Jump gates were closed for a 15 minute period and the biggest of all bangs took place. This was the firing of the Second Genesis Device. [...]


2nd Genesis Deployment Gets Underway

2nd Genesis Deployment Gets Underway

Gus Givens here with news on the next stage of the Genesis Project over in Verec-Per. The collection phase of the project over on Tortoro was completed some time ago, yet there have been technical delays and security concerns over the second firing of a [...]


Banks & Talas

Banks & Talas

With the release of Player Settlements in the Expanse it has become more of a need to ‘know’ how much Talas you have on hand at all times. This has historically meant entering the Expanse to know. Well we added a function within the main [...]


C.E.S Extractor Expansion

C.E.S Extractor Expansion

Been mulling over this change for a while now, and I’ve had sufficient players ask for the change that I figured it was about time. First off don’t worry, this change is in your favour lol. When we added the first of the C.E.S items [...]