CE Party Starts Friday 10:00 AM


So for the last few weeks we have been working on having a Party. Everyone loves a party right! This is no ordinary party, in fact this one commemorates 10 Years of Core Exiles. In one form or another we have now been around for Ten whole years. That’s some achievement in today’s every changing fast paced world.

OK enough blathering on Coops, when and what & where?

We will launch the Party Starting on Friday Morning 10:00 AM Game Time. Now you need to read this post to fully grasp the goings on and also to ensure you don’t miss out on Prizes. (I know you all love free prizes)

To start with we will be opening our BBQ Party areas on the following Planets :

Sphere: Sankarea in Kelsey
Anvil: Sabine in Canby
The Forge: Chikako in Hammer
Expanse: Defiant in Yam
Verec-Per: Ceas in Vosay
Furnace: Brunswick in Vasi & Cerberus in Scorpi

That’s Seven planets in Six Galaxies for you to visit (should you choose)

Planet Promenade
Each Planet will have a Festive Toon on the Promenade. They will have a special Festive ‘Match the Image’ game running using Festive Tokens. This is similar to the Sally Langstrom version only set up specially for the 10th Anniversary week.

Dock To Win
A big part of this week will be the Rewards that will be handed out to Captains that DOCK at any of the Seven planets above during the festive party week. At midnight each night (Game Time) a ticker will run that hands out goodies to EACH captain that has ‘manually docked’ during that day. Dock at more locations during any one day and receive more goodies!

PLEASE NOTE: You only need to dock once to be counted. Docking again and again wont have any affect. Also staying docked for the following day won’t count. You need to be seen to ‘manually dock’ at the location.

Now you DON’T have to take part in this. But docking at least at one of the Seven locations each day will ensure you get at least one set of goodies per day. So the choice is yours!

Dock Prize Entry
When your ‘manual dock’ is detected not only will you be flagged for a prize that night, but you also will get a ticket in PrimeMcNees Prize Draw! He has all the resources from the collection to hand out and also some fat prizes as well.

PrimeMcNee will run the announcements for that and award the prizes separately, so you will need to keep an eye on the forums during the week to see if you won!

10 Year Token
We have minted a large quantity of CE 10 Year Commemorative Tokens. These are Festive Tokens and can be spent in the Festive Store. They have a standard value of 100 Festive Points.

Some of you will already have one of these as part of your reward for taking part in the BBQ collection. But you will have ample opportunity to win more of them over the week. These can ONLY be gained during the Party Week so keep playing, keep checking the forums, stay in chat as much as possible and check out Facebook and Twitter when you get a chance.

Pirate Mech Week
It appears that the Pirates were VERY upset by the loss of a whole slew of their RAID vessels and have arranged a reprisal attack! They have taken up positions around the Mech Combat Town on Grelia in Drakos. They have amassed a HUGE army of Pirate Mechs and have begun looking for challengers brave enough to take them on.

We have inside information that indicates they intend to rush the Mech Arenas starting on Friday Morning. We would ask ANY AND ALL captains to prepare for all out Mech War in the Mech Zones in and around the Combat Town.

The Mech Town owners have agreed to Zero the Staff counter and replace it with a ‘Player VS Pirate’ count and I will do my best to ensure that captains are sufficiently rewarded for Destroying as many Pirate Mechs as possible.

I’ll start with a Server Wide Fuel Bonus for the following :

500 Fuel : 100 Mechs Killed – Server Wide Prize
1,000 Fuel : 250 Mechs Killed – Server Wide Prize
1,000 Fuel : 500 Mechs Killed – Server Wide Prize
1,000 Fuel : 750 Mechs Killed – Server Wide Prize
1,500 Fuel : 1000 Mechs Killed – Server Wide Prize

I’ll also awarded a series of prizes to the top Mech Killers at the end of the week.
It seems the Pirates have an engagement they don’t want to miss and are planning to only stay for the week. Lets Give them Hell!!!

Lastly – Let have some Fun! I’ll be dropping competition after competition in to the Forums here so keep an eye peeled for the week and take part. Also Don’t forget the best support for Core-Exiles is telling your friends and family about us!



  1. Delandra says:

    I’m only sad that RL intrudes and i cant play this game as much as I would like!
    Always so many things going on in Core-exiles and so much more to discover!

    Congratulations on the 10 years and the years to come.


  2. fjiekie says:

    10 years and 10 years i’m playing this game…
    since i’m not one to play any of those silly mmorpg like WoW or ultima online for years, this says a lot about how good this game is 😉

  3. NIghtfall says:

    It took me a long time to find a space – based MMO RPG worth its salt – but boy did I finally find one! Here’s hoping for another ten years 🙂

    And just to celebrate, I’ve just finished my grand Universe tour hosting a round to Coops and the gang at each of the seven parties in the six galaxies within 24 hours! Now that’s my kind of marathon !!!

    If I’m lucky, I might just have enough vapour in the tank to get me home!

  4. Sparky says:

    Just another example of how the Core goes from strength to strength.
    I have been here since 2012, I think…and have become totally hooked.
    Nothing else holds my focus on the web, like this place.
    There is always something to get stuck into.
    Just sign up, play, enjoy and get hooked like me.

  5. Diarri says:

    There’s always something new , exciting and challenging waiting for you in CE. There’s never a moment when you can get bored or run out of things to do. That’s why with 10th anniversary Core Exiles has thriving, creative and fun community that welcomes with enthusiasm all new players.

  6. Zoorland says:

    Goodness, 10 years! I’m sad that I’ve only been around for 4 years; I’ve missed so much!

    This is a wonderful game you run, Coops, always something new to discover and work on. No matter how I’m feeling on any given day, or how much (or little) time I have to play, I can always find just the right thing to spend my time and motivation on. Such an Expanse-ive 😛 game with love tucked into every corner.

    I look forward to the next ten years!

  7. PrimeMcNee says:

    A 10th anniversary is an outstanding achievement for any game. It shows how much dedication is invested in keeping CE online and that a large community is involved in playing CE.

    Chapeau Coops and all that stand by your side, I hope to be able to support CE for another 10 years.

    Cheers, Prime

  8. Jager 602 says:

    I have to say, this game keeps getting better and better. If you’re looking to sign up- and I suggest you do!- there are so many different things to do and places to go and people to see, you’ll keep yourself busy for a long time. You could probably keep busy all day just getting along in chat or on the forums, but the game sucks you in. Gaining the next level, completing the next mission, learning the next skill, and so on, it never ends. The 10th Anniversary is just another great activity the players all got to take part in. And stuff like this goes on at various times during the year. You don’t even have to plan a strategy- just dive in and start learning, doing, reading, doing some more, enter a fight with a mining laser, and learn even more 😉 I really can’t recommend the game enough, so sign up already and have fun! 🙂
    P.S. Use a captain’s name (like mine, Jager 602) at sign-up and you’ll both get referral bonuses 😀

  9. MalcolmR says:

    This event is one example of why this game is great! They happen through out the year and add a unique opportunity that you normally do not have. Usually the community is brought together to complete some goal and as a benefit we get an in game bonus. It is just one way that the game developer shows his gratitude to the players and his love and passion for this game. This game is not for everyone but if you are patient, willing to read, and talk to other players I think you will come to enjoy this game very much. I hope to see ya in the space lanes.


  10. Cap'n STONE says:

    Wow! Ten years of Core-Exiles and its still going strong. That should tell you a lil something about the dedication of both the staff and the players to keep it going this long. How many other games can claim the same. I’ve been playing off and on over the years and keep coming back. This is a long term game with plenty of stuff to keep you busy thanks to Coops and the great staff here at C-E. And when you think there’s not much more they can come up they throw you a party so come on in and grab a ship to head to the furthest reaches of the universe.

  11. XPLODE says:

    Lots of prizes & events this summer.

    I’m sad i can’t enter Expanse to visit that alien BBQ party :'(.
    At least i’ll be at all the other ones every day for a straight week.

    Oh and happy 10th anniversary to Core Exiles staff for the long lasting dedication!

  12. Renfield says:

    Just one of the things I love about CE is the constant give back from the staff to the players. This contest includes tons of prizes and giveaways that everyone on the server can easily collect.

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