• What is Core-Exiles ? What is Core-Exiles ?

    In the far-flung future, most of humanity live safely within The Core, a place of rigid control and conformity. You [...]

  • Community Forums Community Forums

    Here are Core-Exiles we have been tending to our community of players for over a decade now. We try to [...]

  • Sign Up Play Today! Sign Up Play Today!

    To CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT – Simply either click the ‘Create Account’ link at over on the right of this [...]


#Dev Blog

#Dev Blog

I’ve taken to trying to keep you all abreast of what’s going on in the world of your Developer (in relation to Core-Exiles lol) and it’s been easier to drop a few paragraphs into the Discord specified channel (#dev-log). For those of you that don’t [...]


Settlement Passenger Boost

Settlement Passenger Boost

Recently (thanks to constant updates from Porrima) I have been tracking down a series of niggling issues with a tiny % of the passengers. Some had the wrong Galaxy, some the wrong system, and some initially the wrong ticket price. All very confusing till I [...]


Charter Licence Upgrade

Charter Licence Upgrade

So the change for Haulage Offices is now out, and balanced to where we want it. I took several weeks of monitoring and tweaking to get it where we have it. Overall, the ranges have been tweaked, and the rewards specifically have gone up quite [...]


Janus Cure – Active

Janus Cure – Active

A while back, players trading in high volumes of the fluffy cute creatures we call Ribblez here at Core-Exiles, had started to become infected with what was later called the Janus Virus. Deemed to be harmless but annoying with a few unknown side effects. Well [...]


Federation Of Mining Update

Federation Of Mining Update

Federation Of Mining This morning, the F.O.M office has received the upgrade to the new filter office view that many of the others have received lately. I have NOT changed how the office works, other than to increase (quite a lot) how many missions are [...]




I have taken to posting my daily inner workings (those I ‘can share’ with you) over in a separate discord channel. One purely set aside for my Dev reporting on topics I’m working on or have edited or fixed. I will still continue to post [...]


Passenger Groups

Passenger Groups

These guys were in need of some desperate love. There are a lot of funds to be made from moving groups, but it does require some extra investment in the Frames (shadowsword) and the pods for each group. There are currently just over 52K groups [...]