Discord Dev-Log

The below is a copy of dev-logs I’ve been updating on the Discord Server. If you are one of the players that don’t frequent or use Discord you may have missed out so here they are post here below :

Implants Fixed 17th April
Been a while since I posted, apologies but if you have been following my private life you’ll know my life was turned upside down (in a good way)

Today I started by working on a problem that had been affecting a number of players. The issue related around missing Implant images. These were implant BIM’s crafted in the M.A.R.V.I.N Implant Service.

Well, I’ve fixed the code that was causing the issue and back tracked and created new images for all the missing ones. I say ‘all’ the images, but I’m only human and there were several 100 of them, so IF you are missing an implant image, please leave it fitted and PM the name of the implant in question.

Promenades Complete 24th April
Just to confirm the art work changes for the promenade stores and Offices is officially complete, If you can’t see the new art work, drop me a line with an example after having cleared your Browser Cache.

If unsure how to do that, check out this handy guide on how to clear browser caches in 2023
Because my life has been turned upside down these last few weeks, and because coding and baby feeds and nappy changes don’t really go hand in hand, I have been using my downtime wisely

To this end, I have now successfully generated and processed enough art images to replace pretty much ALL the in game items. That represents four months of pro membership to Midjourney and 100’s of hours of AI generation. Followed by 100’s of hours of post-processing and prep work to make them ‘fit’ in to our CE Universe.

Along with these, I have also been working on trying my hand at Icon Generation. A little more tricky and a little hit-and-miss, but I finally got a style and type I really think works for us here at CE. To that end, I have used the last of this month’s Pro hours and generated just over 80K of icons. A bit shot gun approach as its hard to get icons of a style and size that are specific, but inside the 80K of icons generated (currently being post processed in-between nappy changes) I think we have a ton of new icons we can use to replace the ageing and somewhat dated and mixed bag used in CE.

Thought I’d keep you up to date with my work, ‘as such it is’. Once life settles somewhat and Sarah is up to full motherhood, I’ll get back to longer spates of code base work.

Promenade Stores and Offices 26th April
Today I’m going to start rolling out the rest of the Promenade Stores and Offices new Artwork. This will officially complete the replacement of all 137 said items.

Amazing to consider we have THAT MANY – But I guess when a game been around for over 14 years it tends to get a lot of content. I hope you enjoy the new uniform artwork and rework of the Bios for the companies and offices where needed.

Promenades Complete 29th April
Just to confirm the art work changes for the promenade stores and Offices is officially complete, If you can’t see the new art work, drop me a line with an example after having cleared your Browser Cache.

If unsure how to do that, check out this handy guide on How to clear browser caches in 2023


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