Browsing all posts by Elkhorn.


Combat Loot – New Button

Combat Loot – New Button

Well to be precise new Icon…. During the week THIS THREAD sprung up. It’s not the first time we had seen this request and I will admit that with the changes to Combat looting I had to stop and ponder if it wasn’t ‘now’ a [...]


More Cargo Expanders

More Cargo Expanders

I’ve been tinkering with some Excel Spreadsheets in the back ground for some time now. Looking to add a new collection of mid to end game ship based items. These would be things like Cargo Expanders, Shield, Reactors, Weapons. Having cleared the desk of Mining [...]


Last Buddy Arrives!

Last Buddy Arrives!

Some of you have been waiting for the other shoe to drop and the Final Buddy to arrive. Well he’s here The last of the Buddies that will grace the game and add to your collection – The Mining Barge Buddy. Buddy – Mining BargeOnce [...]


Sixth Coops Challenge

Sixth Coops Challenge

As promised by me last week, I will be holding the sixth ‘Coops Challenge’. This will start tomorrow at 14:00 Game Time. I have a total of 42 Challenges for you plus the Server Wide Global Fuel Challenge. Challenge Start : 15th March 14:00 Game [...]


D.I.P.S.I Technology Foundation collection Complete!

D.I.P.S.I Technology Foundation collection Complete!

In what has been a record breaking event, the players here at Core-Exiles have completed the 6,500 collection that was set up across the five Human Galaxies. The final two collections for Mork and Xellum were completed this afternoon. Professor Wade is now currently working [...]


Nemausa – FREE from A.I Control!

Nemausa – FREE from A.I Control!

Hi there folks, Gus Givens here with some great news! Yesterday news came in that the coalition forces managed to complete stage 10 of the invasion on Nemausa over in Arclight. It’s taken a long time to wrest control of Nemausa from the A.I invading [...]


Save Professor Guildham!

Save Professor Guildham!

Gus Givens here with breaking news just coming in! It appears that Professors Wade and Guildham have once again got themselves deep in hot water. For those that are unclear of the history of these two I’ll point you at several older news stories from [...]