Browsing all posts by Elkhorn.


A Cure? Not So Fast.

A Cure? Not So Fast.

Hello fellow spacefarers! It’s Gabby Newsome with the news you can use. Well folks, today I have an update for you on the Janis Variant A-2 virus. It appears that G-CDC has selected well known virologist and epidemologist Dr. Giles Robinson to work on the [...]


Easter Festivities

Easter Festivities

As promised I’m launching the Easter Festivities and collections today. You’ll need to keep your eyes peeled and take part in both the hand-ins and the reporting to make the most of the prizes on hand. Play to Win Every Five Minutes the Easter Ticker [...]


Social Rapport, XP and Levels

Social Rapport, XP and Levels

OK, so whilst I’m fiddling with spreadsheets and Schematics for the next major release of Starbase, Settlement, Genesis and Corporation buildings, I’m releasing something something totally new for you all. It’s NOT a game changer but over time I’m hoping you will find it a [...]


SB Stage 3, Part 1

SB Stage 3, Part 1

As initially set out, now that we have starbase bidding and deployment out the way I have been working on the next stage. Stage 3 is obviously going to take time as I bring each part of the starbase sections to life. Starbase Contracts The [...]


CE 2022 Olympics

CE 2022 Olympics

The 2022 Olympics started on the 4th of February and as per usual we have been hammering away in the depths to bring you some Olympic fun this year. We may even have gone a little over board, but hey, it’s all for good fun. This [...]


Upcoming COOPS Challenge

Upcoming COOPS Challenge

16th Coops Challenge 15th November till 20th December If my math is correct (hey I had to take shoes and socks off for this) the next Coops Challenge is the 16th. The date for the next Challenger will be 15th November till 20th December inclusive. [...]


Coops Upgrade Tokens – Automated

Coops Upgrade Tokens – Automated

Over the years I have run festive upgrade sessions where with enough ‘tokens’ you could pass me items to upgrade. This was cumbersome and long-winded for me personally and lead to long delays between hand in’s and waiting for the ‘converted / Upgraded’ end item. [...]