Browsing all posts by Elkhorn.


Gal-Fed Turn the Lights ON!

Gal-Fed Turn the Lights ON!

Well it must Be getting close to Christmas as today Gal-fed sent a network update to all ships with a Com-Star grade navigation unit. (Pretty much everyone) This update was deigned to activate a little known item that was added to each and every ship [...]


Gal-Fed issue a High Alert Warning!

Gal-Fed issue a High Alert Warning!

It’s approaching that time of year again folks when the Graffiti Taggers come out of the woodwork. For the last few years this has been an issue with Captains Ships being daubed with Festive greetings and messages. This year Gal-Fed and other security forces throughout [...]


San Ticlaws Collection

San Ticlaws Collection

Poor old San Ticlaws, you have to feel for him at this time of year. Lately he’s been plagued by bad luck. But this year we are hoping his luck will turn! We have arranged a 24 Hour Guard on not only San Ticlaws himself [...]


Level Seven Looms

Level Seven Looms

Seeing as I’ve been head down in lines of code for a while now I figured it time to raise my head and let you in on a few things coming next. I made a reply to a post last week that got me about [...]


Second ‘Coops Challenge’

Second ‘Coops Challenge’

Come the 18th of this month we will be starting our SECOND ‘Coops Challenge’. In short I have set 30+ Stages to the Challenge broken in to specific Game Activities. It’s up to you the players to rise to the challenge and complete as many [...]


Rare Ore Refinery (Settlement Deployed)

Rare Ore Refinery (Settlement Deployed)

After much mulling over, and much head scratching I have today managed to get the Rare Ore Refineries located on Player Settlements to be somewhat more ‘fun’ for the owners. But first a Global Change… ALL Rare Ore Refineries have been given the same 720 [...]


10th Anniversary draws to a Close

10th Anniversary draws to a Close

It’s now gone 10:00 am Game Time and the 10th Anniversary has drawn to a Close. We have placed the Mech Zone in lock down whilst we collated the scores and sort out the winners. Mech War Prizes Once we have that done I will [...]