San Ticlaws Collection

Poor old San Ticlaws, you have to feel for him at this time of year. Lately he’s been plagued by bad luck. But this year we are hoping his luck will turn! We have arranged a 24 Hour Guard on not only San Ticlaws himself but also his Toy collection that opened over onStarbase-51 in Feris, but also the actual delivery come Christmas Morning to the Children’s Orphanages.

We are making a concerted effort that the Presents get where they are needed this year. But we need YOU to do your part as well!

San Ticlaws Collection is open as I say on Starbase-51. He is trading in 1,000 XP per festive item on his list and also adding your name to the ‘Nice List’. If he manages to fill his December order he will then bestow a fat reward on all the ‘Nice Players’.

So start looking for those Christmas Festive Items!

You might also want to start to stick ONE of each away for later in December as I may have a special use for a Full set :roll:

You will find the Christmas Festive items being handed out both in ‘Play and Win’ Style and also they will begin to appear in loots shortly. You’ll also be able to pick them up in Chat through ‘Giveaways’ and through our social media of Facebook and Twitter. So keep an eye on those too if you partake!


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