• What is Core-Exiles ? What is Core-Exiles ?

    In the far-flung future, most of humanity live safely within The Core, a place of rigid control and conformity. You [...]

  • Community Forums Community Forums

    Here are Core-Exiles we have been tending to our community of players for over a decade now. We try to [...]

  • Sign Up Play Today! Sign Up Play Today!

    To CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT – Simply either click the ‘Create Account’ link at over on the right of this [...]


New Mission Type – Manufacturing

New Mission Type – Manufacturing

Recently I’ve been catching up on some of the posts regarding what you felt was an imbalance in crafting when comparing it as a Career. To be honest, we never actually designed it to be a solo career. As such it is so open to [...]


Scientists Raise Concerns

Scientists Raise Concerns

Hi there viewers Gus Givens here with news from our Science & Technology department. We have drilled down through their 280 page report and have narrowed it down to the following pertinent facts. The Scientists in the Expanse working over at the GalFed Science Station [...]


More Systems

More Systems

When the game was shiny and new and players thought level 40 was a year + away we were adding items with ranges that maxed out in the 30’s and 40’s. These days we have level 180+ players and a whole swaythe of you that [...]


Sochi Rolls On

Sochi Rolls On

As a reminder the loot tables are still loaded with the Sochi Tokens and will remain that way till the Sochi Paralympics are over on the 17th of this month. During that time you can still collect and hand in a fuill set of Sochi [...]


Mining Resources

Mining Resources

As you will see over in theĀ ISN NEWS, there has been an update rolled out to the Asteroid Scanners. This has increased their scanner resolution enabling them to find ores previously unknown. This runs from the lowest level to the highest level 180 type scanners [...]


Miner Nirvana 10.1

Miner Nirvana 10.1

Gus Givens here, and we bring you news that all hell is breaking out in stations and port docks across the Galaxy. It seems the guys over at Scan-Lock (the boffin’s responsible for scanner updates) have released their annual update to all asteroid scanners galaxy [...]


Galactic Emporium View

Galactic Emporium View

Today we made a few slight changes to the Galactic Emporium View. (Top left drop down) The list now defaults by latest items added to the GEV rather than store listing names. Of course this means nothing as soon as you change the listing order [...]