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AI invaders press the attack

AI invaders press the attack

Well folks that was quite the amazing sight, especially from my position embedded in the Coalition military command at Cinq Port as a supporting radio operator, who knew my days in galactic radio would ever have been so useful. At the start the situation was [...]


Priority One

Priority One

This is a priority one message by Gus Givens on behalf of the Coalition military, the Galactic planetary database is down after having suffered a critical infection by the Termite virus, your ships primary navigational equipment will be non-functional. Reports of the virus are spiking [...]


New Genesis Plots

New Genesis Plots

Thanks to the hard work of a lot of you, not only was the second Genesis Planet created this year, but also the completion of the exploration of Horizon has been reached. This means that today we were able to release another 200 plots into [...]


Rise of the Termite Virus

Rise of the Termite Virus

Hello folks, Gus Givens here with the latest on the issues that have been afflicting many of the captains of the sphere and beyond. I’m afraid there’s not much good news here, the patch that was hoped would slow the issue has apparently had no [...]


Mysterious errors with ship OS’s

Mysterious errors with ship OS’s

Hello there folks, Gus Givens here with the latest from around the six galaxies. There’s been a somewhat alarming spike in captains reporting problems with their ships operating system, the system in question, Galaxy 2, is cheap and stable universal operating system designed to be [...]


Merlin Range Extended

Merlin Range Extended

A while back we expanded the functionality of the Orbital Refinery. We added an Advanced Refinery section, a series of new drones, an Advanced Ore Store and of course the Automated Merlin Refineries. All this enabled you to expand your mining / refining systems and [...]


Coalition announces new Expanse sett tech

Coalition announces new Expanse sett tech

Hello there, Gus Givens here with the latest developments concerning expanse settlements, I’ve recently been given exclusive access to interview one of the leading scientists who was on a joint Coalition/Naristro research project, Dr Lea Shelley. Dr Shelley, what was it like working with the [...]