Blue Monday!
It’s Blue Monday today and I wanted to reach out and say a ‘Big Thank You’ to all those reading this. CE is more than just a game. It’s a community of like minded people from all the corners of the globe! From those stuck [...]
It’s Blue Monday today and I wanted to reach out and say a ‘Big Thank You’ to all those reading this. CE is more than just a game. It’s a community of like minded people from all the corners of the globe! From those stuck [...]
I’ve spent some time thinking this one through and talked to a few players and staff before making a final decision but… Today I have removed the Lock out on the Christmas Resource Token service. That means that ANY tokens you have on your account [...]
A while back I added a function that highlighted if a GBM contract (shown inside the GBM office) was from a Guild Member. Been in place for a while and seems helpful to most of you that use the GBM a lot. A staff member [...]
Day 3+ Stages Complete : 12 | Fuel Reward Pending : 6,000! The three freight factions have completed their stage ones – Congratulations! Union is still struggling with stage 1 (not uncommon this early on) Same with combat, mind you 5,000+ ships killed is nothing [...]
Last year I created the Official Guides Site. I then spent a fair amount of time converting all the poorly written and out of date guides and ported them over. I also ported in the FAQ’s from the old and now defunct FAQ site we [...]
OK, so you’re all collecting Festive Pumpkins at the moment, some for the Coops Collection and some for the Halloween Pods from the Halloween Exchange, but now something New! In the next 24 hours, you will begin to see a new ‘Coops Upgrade Token‘ appear [...]
I strive my best to help where I can when it comes to the VI / Blind community playing CE. It’s so easy to forget that a ‘simple’ lookup for the sighted is in fact a major pain in the ass for the VI / [...]