New Staff Member Arrives

I’d like to take this opportunity this morning to welcome another player to the Staff Group. The name is well known to many who frequent the Discord chat The Wolf.

They have been with us since March 2016 and shown all the signs that will make them a great addition to the Staff Members Group. The Wolf will be undergoing some extensive ‘reading’ over the next 24 hours so be nice…. :)

Again, our staff give their time freely and are there to help fellow players in their ever expanding knowledge of the deep recesses of Core-Exiles.

Welcome The Wolf!



  1. Danik says:

    Be nice : or he will huff and he puff and he regret those late nights ribblez-baitiing.

    Gratz to Da Wolfie!

  2. Thomas101 says:

    Congrats to The Wolf.It be fun to have you as staff.Thomas101

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