Browsing all posts by Elkhorn.


Naristro in talks with Coalition

Naristro in talks with Coalition

Greetings folks, Gus Givens here with the latest developments around the six galaxies, today we’ll be looking at some on-going events unfolding right now in the Expanse. The Naristro have been in high level talks with the leaders of the Coalition for several days now [...]


Welcome Jumper11550

Welcome Jumper11550

I’d like to formerly welcome Jumper11550 to the Ranks of the Core-Exiles Staff. Jumper has bravely taken on the Staff mantle and will be helping out in an initial Apprentice Role. I’m sure you will all wish him well and ease him in to his [...]


Union Expansion

Union Expansion

Yesterday I expanded the locations that passengers will wish to go and are now allowed to go. Previously this was around 400 locations in game. This has now been expanded to 711. I have also up sized the Passenger list slightly to 94K and also [...]


A.I Attack Update

A.I Attack Update

Hello folks, Gus Givens bringing you a follow up report on the aftermath of the AI attack that took place just over three days ago, as well as some new developments. It appears that giving the pirate factions first salvage rights of the AI debris [...]


AI invaders press the attack

AI invaders press the attack

Well folks that was quite the amazing sight, especially from my position embedded in the Coalition military command at Cinq Port as a supporting radio operator, who knew my days in galactic radio would ever have been so useful. At the start the situation was [...]


Priority One

Priority One

This is a priority one message by Gus Givens on behalf of the Coalition military, the Galactic planetary database is down after having suffered a critical infection by the Termite virus, your ships primary navigational equipment will be non-functional. Reports of the virus are spiking [...]


New Genesis Plots

New Genesis Plots

Thanks to the hard work of a lot of you, not only was the second Genesis Planet created this year, but also the completion of the exploration of Horizon has been reached. This means that today we were able to release another 200 plots into [...]