New Genesis Plots

Thanks to the hard work of a lot of you, not only was the second Genesis Planet created this year, but also the completion of the exploration of Horizon has been reached. This means that today we were able to release another 200 plots into the mix for those of you still looking (or new to CE) for a Genesis Land Management Plot.

Just as a reminder a few points :

#1 At this time a Captain may only own ONE Genesis Plot. This means currently if you already have one you cannot purchase another.
#2 Genesis Plots are paid for in Genesis Points. These can be earned by taking part in the continuing project of completing Genesis Planets.

For those not in the know I would suggest some catchup reading on the Genesis Project as a whole.

You can find the Deployment Primer GuideĀ Over Here

For those who have Zero Idea what Genesis is, how it came to be, and what’s lead up to this point try this Search over on theĀ Timeline

For those just wanting a nosy, pop on over to Kalerd in Verec-Per and dock at Horizon. You have your fellow explorer Captains to thank for that.


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