Browsing all posts by Elkhorn.


Jakar Hybrid Systems – New Releases

Jakar Hybrid Systems – New Releases

Jakar Hybrid Systems have been hard at work behind the scenes for the last few months. They have been working with Coalition Scientists and even private companies in an effort to expand the range of options for Human based Expanse Settlements. Today they have released [...]


Coops Challenges

Coops Challenges

This is a Primer Guide and as such is not a full manual or instruction set on ‘how too’ but it is enough to familiarise you with the idea and how the ‘Coops Challenge’ Works. Coops Challenges will be held from time to time each [...]


Galactic President Kidnapped

Galactic President Kidnapped

Hello folks, Gus Givens here with the latest reports live from Cinq Port in Kelsey. As you no doubt heard, the new galactic president was elected earlier today in a landslide, the new inhabitant of the octangular office, as it’s known, is none other than [...]


New Gal Fed Project Operational

New Gal Fed Project Operational

Hello folks, Gus Givens here with an update on the events that have been unfolding at Ethan. The Gal Fed have begun their press conference several hours ago, and a number of details have already emerged. Firstly the seismic activity detected on Ethan was indeed [...]


Unusual readings on Ethan

Unusual readings on Ethan

Hello folks, this is Gus Givens bringing you some breaking news from Ethan. Recently some unusual seismic readings have been detected and confirmed by multiple monitoring stations across the planet, the readings match no known geologic activity and some experts theorise that they may be [...]


St Patrick’s Day Celebrations

St Patrick’s Day Celebrations

Today marks the start of the St Patrick’s Day Celebrations. For today I’ve kicked off the Give-away Ticker. This hands out Pints of Black Gold and a Serial Number to hand in over in Jaster at the Postovia Orbital. Visit the Serial Submission Centre once [...]


Crafting & Crystals

Crafting & Crystals

Today’s patch has made some significant changes to the game. Nothing earth shattering that will alter your day to day play so don’t panic But enough that I wanted to take a few minutes to explain a few parts. First off ‘Crystal Crafting’ – The [...]