• What is Core-Exiles ? What is Core-Exiles ?

    In the far-flung future, most of humanity live safely within The Core, a place of rigid control and conformity. You [...]

  • Community Forums Community Forums

    Here are Core-Exiles we have been tending to our community of players for over a decade now. We try to [...]

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A Cure? Not So Fast.

A Cure? Not So Fast.

Hello fellow spacefarers! It’s Gabby Newsome with the news you can use. Well folks, today I have an update for you on the Janis Variant A-2 virus. It appears that G-CDC has selected well known virologist and epidemologist Dr. Giles Robinson to work on the [...]


VPN Access & Core-Exiles

VPN Access & Core-Exiles

Recently, it’s come to my attention that a few players and ‘potential players’ have been having troubles accessing the main Core-Exiles.com, News, Guides and the Login Portal. This has all been down to the use of Bad listed VPN IP addresses. A VPN can be [...]


G-CDC start to track infected

G-CDC start to track infected

This is an official Dev notification that the G-CDC have today started to track those infected with the Janis Variant A2 virus. If you have no idea what this is, I suggest reading a few of the recent ISN posts. Start HERE, then read THIS [...]


Basket Events

Basket Events

I have been rather poorly off late along with the house move I’m at an all-time physical low atm, BUT I will be finding the energy to run some CHAT based (discord) Easter Basket rewards. These will take place (Game Time) Sunday 23rd Morning, Afternoon [...]


Easter Festivities

Easter Festivities

As promised I’m launching the Easter Festivities and collections today. You’ll need to keep your eyes peeled and take part in both the hand-ins and the reporting to make the most of the prizes on hand. Play to Win Every Five Minutes the Easter Ticker [...]


Return To the Core – Outline

Return To the Core – Outline

Generally I don’t do what I’m about to do, but I figured there was enough rumour mill falsehoods flying around that it might help some to have a better understanding of the next major bolt on to Core Exiles. You may have noticed that Elkhorn [...]


Unknown Disease Strikes!

Unknown Disease Strikes!

Breaking News! Hello fellow spacefarers, this is Gabby Newsome with The News You Can Use! Feeling a little under the weather? Dizzy spells, unexplained rash? Somethings going around and it seems that it is affecting stations and settlements as well as Captains throughout the inhabited [...]