CE Art Over Haul Begins

This evening marks the start of the CE Art Overhaul. CE has been around for a LONG time (registered in Feb 2008) Making CE now 15 years old. During that time, we have gathered and created art from all the legal avenues within our budget. In fact, the last slew of 50 NPC’s we purchased cost over $500.

We have over 23,000 files for items, loot, resources and commodities. That’s a LOT of images to replace and until now it’s been seriously outside our financial reach, till now….

No I didn’t win the lottery lol…

But I did get pointed at one of the latest AI image generators. Initially, I dismissed it due to legal issues of copyright and the messy way in which images had very little conformity. But I dug deeper and spent many, many, many evenings working at it.

I have so far created over 9,000 items images and over 900 NPC and Avatar images. These are all of a ‘CE Style’ and all look like they belong within the same universe. I’ve been dropping some of my work in the Discord #images channel, but for those that don’t frequent it, I will add a few images here at the end of this post. But this post is to state that this evening I uploaded 169 new NPC images.

Caveat – Aliens are not yet redone (The AI has issue generating these and it and I are in discussion) :)

To see these new images, it’s likely you will have to clear your Browser Cache.

There are so many browsers, and you’re all using different devices these days, so check the oracle google on how to clear your browser cache. After that all the NPC’s should all change to a more modern and consistent appearance. My next task is to replace and offer lots of new cool Avatars. I have the art complete, so just a case of updating the Avatar selection page. I will post when this is done.

The final stage will be the replacement of in game Item Art. By that I mean things like Weapons, Shields, Cargo items etc, etc.. Also then Settlements, Genesis, Corps etc..

I will do these in waves and again post when each section is complete.

For now enjoy.



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