Browsing all posts by admin.


Pod Artwork Complete Overhaul

Pod Artwork Complete Overhaul

Pod Artwork Complete Overhaul As per the title, along with releasing the new Halo Pods, I also took the time out to overhaul ALL the pod artwork, you can do a hard browser refresh on the pod pages to get it to reload your current [...]


NPC Logic Altered…

NPC Logic Altered…

Hey there Exiles, Time for a small post about some of the NPC’s in CE (Around 150+ now). This post relates to those that have ‘random’ selections for their mission requirements. Many NPC’s have a set list of items for each mission, but some have [...]


Implant Submol + More

Implant Submol + More

Just a short quick one for you today… We have had well over 900 MARVIN implants built by players now, this means a lot of Shells and old Implants lying around taking up space. So with some effort and a little cajoling, I have added [...]


Change To RAIDS

Change To RAIDS

Well, not so much a change (have to be careful using that term round here) more of an upgrade… When I LAST made a major change to how RAID’s worked allowing pretty much anyone to play with RAID’s even a low level captain, changing the [...]


Trade Commodities Arrive

Trade Commodities Arrive

Core-Exiles has been around for a very long time (certainly for a browser game) A decade and a half means It’s had a lot of additions and changes over the years. Well today brings another major addition in the form of ‘Trade Commodities’. What are [...]


OLD CS Meet the New CS

OLD CS Meet the New CS

I’ve been quiet for about a week. That’s due to I had been working on a totally new interface for the CS. Sadly, during extensive testing it became apparent that whilst for most of us the new CS screen was a winner and a great [...]


G.B.M. Facelift

G.B.M. Facelift

I have uploaded today the changes to the Galactic Buyers Market. I’ve been working on an add-on for CE (to come in a few days) that will make the GBM a real centre point of the Core-Exiles Experience and whilst it’s been busy of late [...]