• What is Core-Exiles ? What is Core-Exiles ?

    In the far-flung future, most of humanity live safely within The Core, a place of rigid control and conformity. You [...]

  • Community Forums Community Forums

    Here are Core-Exiles we have been tending to our community of players for over a decade now. We try to [...]

  • Sign Up Play Today! Sign Up Play Today!

    To CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT – Simply either click the ‘Create Account’ link at over on the right of this [...]


Christmas Crafted Token

Christmas Crafted Token

OK, so this one is a totally new Christmas Festivity…. I have created 12 new Christmas Resources. These resources can ONLY be obtained ‘directly’ from a festive San Ticlaws handout. This is being arranged and delivered by the Agents over at the San Ticlaws Office [...]


Christmas 2021

Christmas 2021

Well it’s been a long time coming, for me this year has been a mixture of dragging along with spurts of ‘err where did that month go’. I’m sure glad to put this year to bed, but we have December to make our way through [...]


Christmas Exchanges Opening

Christmas Exchanges Opening

The Christmas Exchange offices will open around Midnight tonight. They will remain open until midnight on the 10th of January so you have plenty of time to consider what to spend your Christmas points on. Plus time to swap the exchange items with fellow players [...]


San Ticlaws Collection

San Ticlaws Collection

San Ticlaws – Christmas Collection For those of you that have been here for a few of the Christmas periods, you will know that San Ticlaws is never very lucky at this time of year. In fact in one way or another he has always [...]


Core Exiles Christmas Party

Core Exiles Christmas Party

Tomorrow (1st December) I will start rolling out a whole slew of Christmas festive activities. One of these I’m posting about today so that you get to read and digest what it’s about and what it’s for… Back in 2016 we ran this, and I [...]


Upcoming COOPS Challenge

Upcoming COOPS Challenge

16th Coops Challenge 15th November till 20th December If my math is correct (hey I had to take shoes and socks off for this) the next Coops Challenge is the 16th. The date for the next Challenger will be 15th November till 20th December inclusive. [...]


Coops Upgrade Tokens – Automated

Coops Upgrade Tokens – Automated

Over the years I have run festive upgrade sessions where with enough ‘tokens’ you could pass me items to upgrade. This was cumbersome and long-winded for me personally and lead to long delays between hand in’s and waiting for the ‘converted / Upgraded’ end item. [...]