World Cup : 20 Nov – 18 Dec 2022

Are you READY? – for many of you this won’t be your first World Cup whilst here playing CE, but for those that are new, Read on :

The WORLD CUP for Core-Exiles is Nearly Upon us!

Tomorrow Morning, I will add the WC Flags to the Festive system – This will form your primary source for collecting Flags. There are 32 Standard ones, and you will need ONE of EACH if you’re to claim the 2022 World Cup Prize.

The Flag’s will remain in play via loot from tomorrow till the Final Whistle on the 18th of December at 16:00 Game Time. During that time, I suggest you do your best to collect one of each. I’ve made them tradeable, so you can sell them to each other, trade them and generally do what’s needed to grab a full set.

World Cup Representatives
These rather nice young ladies are now available to check your Flag sets, and if in order, award you this Year’s 2022 Prize.
Please note you can ONLY hand in one full set. (Per Captain).

You can find these Ladies at the following locations :

Ethan, Darius
Franklyn, Yeltsim
Elmquae, Habitat-87
Pevek, Trade Hub 59
Blake, Lucious Port
Gainsboro, Pyragles Base
Sunrise, Zwanziq Station
Mostony, Edana
Tantas, Yonartthakr
Zarante, Berolina
Yam, Sabian
Kirzhach, Starbase-140
Oengo, Otaio
Metri, Janus Station
Trantor, Fujimori
Aurelia, ARK-09

The Prize This year is :
1,000 Festive Points
1,000 Barter Points
2 x Random CES Extractors
1 x Random Mega Mall.
2 X Core Exiles Resource Tokens.

Also, as a special something from me to the community, a 2022 World Cup Device. It’s a Pod and is modelled off the original Sochi Device! Have fun figuring that one out. You will ONLY be able to get this device through the game, it will not be on sale, and it’s not tradeable!

Extra Flags
We will be providing ways to grab extra flags during the World Cup Period. These will range from IRC / Chat shouts, Forum Community Competitions, Facebook Competitions and also Twitter shouts. It’s up to YOU to keep an eye open and take part to win.

The WC Reps will remain open checking Flag collections till 16:00 PM on the 25th of December (Game Time). After that, I suggest you trade in your Flags for Festive points. Come the 30th of December, all World Cup flags will disappear from the game.

Also, check out the Special ‘Extra Flag Collection‘ that will be running for the World Cup this year OVER HERE


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