Upcoming COOPS Challenge

Coops Challenge16th Coops Challenge

15th November till 20th December

If my math is correct (hey I had to take shoes and socks off for this) the next Coops Challenge is the 16th. The date for the next Challenger will be 15th November till 20th December inclusive. Start end times I’ll announce a little closer to the start date.

If you have not taken part in a ‘Coops Challenge’ you will find that I launch a major competition to complete a massive set of server Wide challenges. Each one has 3 or four stages and each time you complete one you add to the end pot of rewards – Server Wide.

Pretty much every profession and action is CE is counted in some way, so for many players it’s just a case of ‘play as normal’ and keep an eye on the channel status. (Fresh Page will be released for in and out of game review at any time).

I normally also run a MECH WAR during these challenges, and this is also part and parcel these days of the challenge. Store up all your mech parts (Festive Packs go a long way with these) – don’t rush out and start making them just yet, hang on till closer to the day.

You have over 2 weeks to take part and complete the Server Challenge to lots of time to get involved. I will, closer to the time, release more notes and on the day post a ‘Here we go post’.

Thanks for taking part in the Core-Exiles Universe! Tell your friends and most of all have fun!




  1. Yogan says:

    I do love a challenge, and getting to complete this years challenge will be a challenge!, but as always we will do our best to best Coops!.

  2. Fitzbacon says:

    Another year. And another challenge. This game never stops with the good stuff. Game goes from strength to strength. Always something happening. Always something keep you interested.

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