Browsing all 60 posts in General ISN News.


New Gal Fed Project Operational

New Gal Fed Project Operational

Hello folks, Gus Givens here with an update on the events that have been unfolding at Ethan. The Gal Fed have begun their press conference several hours ago, and a number of details have already emerged. Firstly the seismic activity detected on Ethan was indeed [...]


Unusual readings on Ethan

Unusual readings on Ethan

Hello folks, this is Gus Givens bringing you some breaking news from Ethan. Recently some unusual seismic readings have been detected and confirmed by multiple monitoring stations across the planet, the readings match no known geologic activity and some experts theorise that they may be [...]


It’s Alive!

It’s Alive!

Well folks, this is perhaps some of the most amazing news I’ve ever heard, I almost can’t believe it myself but the boffins tell me it’s true and it seems to match up with all those fancy charts of theirs. It seems that the explosion [...]


Disaster in Hexham

Disaster in Hexham

Gus Givens here, reporting to you live from the Hexham system, where just a few hours ago a terrible catastrophe struck. The galaxy renowned orbital research institute known by its official designation as Research Station 2 was only a short while ago engulfed in an [...]


A.R.C. Project achieves breakthrough

A.R.C. Project achieves breakthrough

Hello folks Gus Givens here with the latest news from around the galaxies. Some of you may remember the A.R.C. project an independent privately funded research initiative operating outside the authority of the Coalition. Their ranks are quite diverse, from idealistic scientists who disagree with [...]


San Ticlaws Arrested – Rexx Saves the Day!

San Ticlaws Arrested – Rexx Saves the Day!

Usually at this time of year we have glad tidings and stories of cheer and goodwill. Sadly today we have to report on the Arrest of San Ticlaws and dozens of his small elf like workers. Station security were called to a disturbance on Deck [...]


Accident at Dr Dickerson’s lab

Accident at Dr Dickerson’s lab

Hello folks, Gus Givens here reporting across the galaxies. I’m coming to you live from outside the laboratory of Dr Maxwell Dickerson where there has just moments ago been an accident; eyewitnesses are reporting a huge discharge of energy within the building that has apparently [...]