Browsing all 316 posts in Development Posts.


G.B.M. Facelift

G.B.M. Facelift

I have uploaded today the changes to the Galactic Buyers Market. I’ve been working on an add-on for CE (to come in a few days) that will make the GBM a real centre point of the Core-Exiles Experience and whilst it’s been busy of late [...]


Senior Staff Promotion

Senior Staff Promotion

Hi there Fellow Exiles, I am thrilled to announce the promotion of one of our esteemed staff members, “The Wolf,” to the position of Senior Staff. Please join me in extending our warmest congratulations to “The Wolf” for this well-deserved achievement! “The Wolf” has consistently [...]


Weapon Art Released

Weapon Art Released

It’s taken me a few extra days due to the sheer volume of Weapons and items that fit in the weapons slots. But… I have completed the transfer of all the new art and replaced all the existing. This means any old art you’re seeing [...]


New Art – Reactors & Cargo Units

New Art – Reactors & Cargo Units

I’ve spent pretty much all of today replacing all the game Cargo Expander Art and the Reactor Art. Nearly, 7,000 images in total. These are ALL on the Server and have replaced EVERY Reactor and Cargo Expander image. If your browser is still being stubborn [...]


New staff Members Announced

New staff Members Announced

Dear Core-Exiles Community, I am thrilled to announce that our beloved SCIFI game, Core-Exiles, is expanding its dedicated team of volunteers! Today, we warmly welcome four talented individuals who have graciously accepted the role of non-paid staff members. Their invaluable assistance will be directed towards [...]


Passenger Cabin Art Replaced

Passenger Cabin Art Replaced

Working my way through the massive range of ship fitting items, replacing all the artwork as I go, today sees the Passenger Cabins all replaced. So if you have one fitted, refresh your loadout screen to grab the new Art. If you see the old [...]


Change To Ships Loadout

Change To Ships Loadout

Earlier last week, I posted asking about what you’d all think IF I added two more slots to the Ship Loadout…. ? I had my own ideas and the staff had theirs, and you all had yours. I read, considered and went 50/50. This is [...]