Browsing all posts by Coops.


CE 12+ Years on…

CE 12+ Years on…

I was reviewing some of the game stats this morning. I do this to see how we are doing and for my own personal interest.  I figured some of you might get a kick out of these stats and details. Fuel Burnt: 1,040,688,650 Total Mined: [...]


Olympic Upgrade – Dont Miss it

Olympic Upgrade – Dont Miss it

OK, so you’re all collecting Flags and Beacons so you can hope to win on the Handins and claim a new shiny Olympic Pod. You also have a few shiny competitions to enter over the Olympic Period, but now something Totally New. In the next [...]


CE Winter Olympics 2018

CE Winter Olympics 2018

Core Exiles Winter Olympic Festivities 2018 The Winter Olympics start on the 9th and as per usual we have been hammering away in the depths to bring you some Olympic fun this year. We may even have gone a little over board but hey, it’s [...]


How Did You Do?

How Did You Do?

As promised I have spent a few hours going over the stored results of the latest Challenge. We tracked every action for the challenge that related to the goals. MY choices below are because THEY stood out, some stood out so far they nearly took [...]


November Hand-in Full Set Please!

November Hand-in Full Set Please!

OK folks, November is here and the Festive loot for this month will soon begin piling up in places. Using our new Festive Loot reward system it means no matter what your profession you are now far more likely to receive some of this loot [...]


Halloween Underway!

Halloween Underway!

The New Halloween Exchanges are now open. You can find them listed below but also by using the in-game Finder and simply typing in ‘Halloween Exchange’ Thes Exchanges will take the Pumpkins off you in return for 1,000 XP AND 1 Halloween Point. Store up [...]


Core Exiles 1,000,000,000

Core Exiles 1,000,000,000

Well you all did it. With CE now in its Eleventh year and since records began the joint efforts of all players have now passed the 1 Billion fuel mark! We are now this morning sat on Fuel Burnt: 1,000,129,532 That’s a massive achievement for [...]