Halloween Underway!

The New Halloween Exchanges are now open. You can find them listed below but also by using the in-game Finder and simply typing in ‘Halloween Exchange’ Thes Exchanges will take the Pumpkins off you in return for 1,000 XP AND 1 Halloween Point.

Store up the Halloween points and purchase a Pod (in the bottom section fo the Exchange) when you want. There is NO LIMITS on deposits of Pumpkins or Pods to be purchased. The only limit is when the Exchange closes ‘Midnight’ on the 5th November.

We will continue to hand out Pumpkins throughout October right up till Midnight on the 1st of November to be fair to all.

The pods themselves are varied and you will need to READ the info on each pod before purchasing. You will see most of them are ZERO POD points to fit which means they make a great accompaniment for the new +5 Pod Slot addon recently. Allowing you to bulk out on given plans at any given time.

One fo the Pods there is based off a Trinity / Olympic Pod and will level with you. So a great pod to own from early on till level 200.

I have strived this year to make Halloween a little different and begin to allow you some options not allowed before in Core-Exiles. Hopefully, you will enjoy this collection and exchange and find time to grab the pods you want.

If not this will be a repeating thing from here on in so if you miss out this year there is always next year!

A Sublet reminder: ALL these pods are LOCKED to your account. So PLEASE make sure you understand this before purchasing!

Blake | Casmar Station | Furnace
Dashan | Furia Station | Furnace
Feris | Starbase-51 | Sphere
Trantor | Popovich | Anvil
Yam | Coalition | Expanse
Zarante | Berolina | The Forge
Beud | Jeilt | Verec-Per



  1. falconner says:

    I simply love these events,they make already a fun game even more fun. for example, I have played a lot more during halloween event,than ever before. and these pods of course are a treet!

  2. Samudra says:

    Great event, i wish you guys get all the pods you need.
    Wonder if anyone can manage to get 100% orsa bonuses 🙂

    Thank you Coops and devs and all staff also.

    • dragon says:

      Yes, Thanks, Coops and all who helped, the exchange is great, I managed to get 2 pods and now trying to help a friend get the main one, also.

  3. Marcus says:

    Love the idea of the exchange. Thanks Coops

  4. Valthonicsa says:

    This was the first festive event since I started Core Exiles and I must say it was great. It rewarded players evenly across levels by awarding festive items solely on playtime and providing reward items applicable to all levels of player experience. It was great to be able to get some fancy new items, not to mention getting a nice mint selling the festive pumpkins to other people.

  5. paco1601 says:

    Halloween pods ?
    what a great idea !!

  6. sylven says:

    I loved the halloween I did work hard to get the pods and indeed these are all interesting. thats why its so fantastic! Halloween had different types of pods, to keep us all boosted. You’ll only know when you get going, so take up the moto and be ready for the next challenge!

  7. Geistware says:

    Halloween and all seasonal festivities are well thought out and geared for all level of players. This is a unique concept since most rewards are difficult to develop so that they are valuable to newbies as well as seasoned players. Hats off for a job well done.

  8. Gorkus says:

    These festive periods are the kind of thing that keeps the excitement level high, even after playing CE for almost a year. It seems there is always something new to discover, whether it’s up to you to find or because the developers just keep adding new content.

  9. Thomas Lewis says:

    I Think that the Halloween Exchange is a great idea.Thomas101

  10. Korth says:

    A great addition to a great game. I got the Halloween “Device” and am now working on the extractor booster pods.

  11. Hot100 says:

    For Core Exiles Halloween is ALL TREATS, no tricks!
    Lots of very useful items already claimed. Helps me a lot to get missions done and level up fast.
    Thanks a lot!

  12. Hot100 says:

    Halloween for Core Exiles: no tricks, just TREATS! Very useful items, helping me a lot to get missions achieved and level up fast. Love it, Thanks!

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