• What is Core-Exiles ? What is Core-Exiles ?

    In the far-flung future, most of humanity live safely within The Core, a place of rigid control and conformity. You [...]

  • Community Forums Community Forums

    Here are Core-Exiles we have been tending to our community of players for over a decade now. We try to [...]

  • Sign Up Play Today! Sign Up Play Today!

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Bertha’s Unlocked

Bertha’s Unlocked

A real quick one, some of you have noticed it and its gone round real quick on the internal grape vine, but for those that missed it. This week I removed the long imposed LOCK on trading Bertha Extractors. Now you can trade them and [...]


Starbase – Tech Research

Starbase – Tech Research

Today I bring the owners of Starbases the chance to at last Research their star base Tech level. As pointed out during the week, there was an issue where certain stores (that are Tech level based) were appearing empty or near empty on starbases. This [...]


Emporium – Errrr Where?

Emporium – Errrr Where?

Of late I had spotted more than a few players come in to the chat and ask how they could locate / find their Emporium, or in some cases Emporiums. There are currently 244 Emporiums, of which 214 are currently open. With everything else you [...]


Combat Nano Repair + Nano Retrieval Service

Combat Nano Repair + Nano Retrieval Service

Ever since we first created combat, we have always used E.B.K’s to repair ships and shields. They have been a few alternatives that some use once in a while Nano Repair Constructors, TW-NRC and Hunter Repair Systems. But let’s face it most of you still [...]


October Festivities Begin

October Festivities Begin

October is here – so let’s get started. Today you will begin to see the Halloween Pumpkins appear as ‘Play to Win‘ festive handouts. These come in the usual format of the pop-up message on screen at random times. The more you play in the [...]


Halloween Collection

Halloween Collection

Halloween Pumpkin Collection 2023 Using the new method (from within the Private Message Pages) you can now check and automatically hand in a Full set of 14 Pumpkins. You will need to have ONE of each distinct 14 pumpkins onboard your ship for this to [...]


Wreck Salvage Update

Wreck Salvage Update

OK, so this update will come as no surprise to salvagers out there, many of you spotted my major nerf on Wrecks Sizes last week. I have this evening rolled out a fairly major update to Wreck Salvage. Now don’t panic, it still works basically [...]