Browsing all 45 posts in Competitions.


12th Coops Challenge Ends

12th Coops Challenge Ends

Final whistle blew about half an hour ago and the final stats are 38 Stages complete out of a possible 53. A great job done by all, over 700 captains took part this time round and some goals and targets were broken a lot earlier [...]


Easter Egg Hunt Begins

Easter Egg Hunt Begins

As promised I’m launching the Easter Festivities and collections today. You;ll need to keep your eyes peeled and take part in both the hand-ins and the reporting to make the most of the prizes on hand Play to Win Every Five Minutes the Easter Ticker [...]


Coops 11th Challenge!

Coops 11th Challenge!

Coops Challenge 16th of March – 1st April It’s that time again Folks! Challenge Time! I asked in the forums for feedback on another Challenge, and I recvived a resounding ‘Hell Yes Coops’ So your wish is my command. I’ll be running my 11th Coops [...]


Outstanding Achievement Awards

Outstanding Achievement Awards

It’s taken me a while to plough through who did what for the Ninth Coops Challenge. But I’ve managed to come up with a short list. These names are captains that for their level did an outstanding job during the challenge. We have names across [...]


Coops 9th Challenge is HERE!

Coops 9th Challenge is HERE!

OK, the Ninth Coops Challenge is now Active. For those who have not played before this is where I have laid out a series of challenges for players to complete. Each challenge has at least three stages and for EACH stage that’s completed, I add [...]


CE Winter Olympics 2018

CE Winter Olympics 2018

Core Exiles Winter Olympic Festivities 2018 The Winter Olympics start on the 9th and as per usual we have been hammering away in the depths to bring you some Olympic fun this year. We may even have gone a little over board but hey, it’s [...]


Coops Challenge Number 8

Coops Challenge Number 8

Eighth Coops Challenge Active! I have this morning at 11:00 AM activated the Eighth Coops Challenge. This means that activities in game are now being tracked (by player and profession) and if included count towards the Goals set in the Coops Challenge. You can access [...]