Browsing all posts by Elkhorn.


Return of the Elk!

Return of the Elk!

As some of you will have spotted Elkhorn petitioned to return to Core-Exiles Staff. Our staff give their time freely and do a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to helping players new and old alike with issues or general CE knowledge. They [...]


Social Media Manager Found

Social Media Manager Found

It’s taken me a while, but today I decided on our social media manager. I had a number of very good applications and many of you followed up with some great feedback. Thank you to all of you that applied. The successful applicant was ‘Shinter’. [...]


Retirement Party

Retirement Party

I have to sadly announce the retirement of Escarondius. He has served Core-Exiles outstandingly. Being a stalwart behind the scenes working not only on new releases, and testing Dev releases, he also worked hard on running monthly competitions for you guys and girls. Not to [...]


Changes to Ship Store View

Changes to Ship Store View

Back in February of this year we made a change to the C.E.D.R. This change took the form of a sortable table system along with paginated lists and a search feature. We asked for feedback and from those that gave it a thumbs up and [...]


Expansion of the Fuel Depot System

Expansion of the Fuel Depot System

Due to increased demand on the Fuel Depot system throughout Sphere and the Expanse, additional fuel depots have been constructed.  For your convenience, you can find seven new fuel depots as listed below.  Like any depot you can access your stored fuel from any of [...]