Browsing all 60 posts in General ISN News.


Multi Haulage Contracts

Multi Haulage Contracts

Multi Haulage Contracts I can tell you that the Inner Galactic Haulers Union (IGHU) and the Anti Corruption Task Force (ACTF) have today signed a deal to allow Settlement owners to hold multiple Haulage contracts at the same time. This means that rather than having [...]


Janus Cure – Active

Janus Cure – Active

A while back, players trading in high volumes of the fluffy cute creatures we call Ribblez here at Core-Exiles, had started to become infected with what was later called the Janus Virus. Deemed to be harmless but annoying with a few unknown side effects. Well [...]


A Cure? Not So Fast.

A Cure? Not So Fast.

Hello fellow spacefarers! It’s Gabby Newsome with the news you can use. Well folks, today I have an update for you on the Janis Variant A-2 virus. It appears that G-CDC has selected well known virologist and epidemologist Dr. Giles Robinson to work on the [...]


G-CDC start to track infected

G-CDC start to track infected

This is an official Dev notification that the G-CDC have today started to track those infected with the Janis Variant A2 virus. If you have no idea what this is, I suggest reading a few of the recent ISN posts. Start HERE, then read THIS [...]


Spiritus Once Again Free!

Spiritus Once Again Free!

Hi there folks, Gus Givens here with some great news! A few weeks back the Coalition forces mostly made up of fellow Captains managed to complete stage 10 of the Spiritus Planetary campaign against the insidious A.I foe. Yes you heard me correctly, that was [...]


Reports Confirmed

Reports Confirmed

Hi there Folks, Gus Givens here from the ISN News Desk, Well it’s true folks, last week we reported that there were unconfirmed rumours that the A.I has returned to the Core. As many of you will now be aware there has been a spate [...]


Worrying Reports From Core Refugees

Worrying Reports From Core Refugees

Hi there Folks Gus Givens here at the ISN New desk with what’s either a sick prank or some very worrying news. Our resident news reporter over on Starbase-51 has been hearing some very strange stories coming from the newly arrived Core Refugees. Now normally [...]