Browsing all 316 posts in Development Posts.


Core Exiles 1,000,000,000

Core Exiles 1,000,000,000

Well you all did it. With CE now in its Eleventh year and since records began the joint efforts of all players have now passed the 1 Billion fuel mark! We are now this morning sat on Fuel Burnt: 1,000,129,532 That’s a massive achievement for [...]


Project Discovery Goes Live

Project Discovery Goes Live

Today marks the first day the Project Discovery as initially mentioned in THIS ISN Post. There are Seven offices open to all Captains across the known accessible Galaxies. For info on the project and how it will work and evolve please full read and digest THIS POST. [...]


Reports Confirmed

Reports Confirmed

Hi there Folks, Gus Givens here from the ISN News Desk, Well it’s true folks, last week we reported that there were unconfirmed rumours that the A.I has returned to the Core. As many of you will now be aware there has been a spate [...]


Strange Communication Fragments

Strange Communication Fragments

Very shortly we will start to see ‘Communication Fragments’ entering the game. These are partial fragments of a ‘series’ of communications between the AI command structure in the Core to the AI Commander here in our Human Sphere space. You don’t have to seek them [...]


Worrying Reports From Core Refugees

Worrying Reports From Core Refugees

Hi there Folks Gus Givens here at the ISN New desk with what’s either a sick prank or some very worrying news. Our resident news reporter over on Starbase-51 has been hearing some very strange stories coming from the newly arrived Core Refugees. Now normally [...]


Land Management Opens on Devotion

Land Management Opens on Devotion

Been a while coming this one (apologies) I’d been waiting for players to complete the 3rd in the line ‘Dagrau Llawen’ and completely missed that Devotion had been completed on the 26th of may by Lutes. As per the way things are ‘meant to go’ [...]


Hayes Orders Fleet to Klytaemnestra

Hayes Orders Fleet to Klytaemnestra

Good afternoon viewers, Gus Givens here with breaking news on the A.I invasion and the Coalition force deployments. This afternoon at 1.00PM Local time General Hayes ordered the 4th wing of the Coalition forces to begin ground attacks on Klytaemnestra in The Forge. Since the [...]