World Cup 2018 Festivities Begin

Has it REALLY been that long since we did this the first time lol. Well the World Cup is on us and seeing you all enjoyed collecting the Flags last time who am I to stop the fun.

I have this morning added the Flags to all the Loots systems (where applicable) – This will form your primary source for collecting Flags. There are 32 of them and you will need ONE of EACH if you’re to claim the 2014 World Cup Prize.

The Flag’s will remain in play via loot from today till the Final Whistle of the last match on the 23rd. During that time I suggest you do your best to collect one of each. I’ve made them tradeable so you can sell them to each other, trade them and generally do what’s needed to grab a full set.

World Cup Representativeness
These rather nice young ladies are now available to check your Flag sets, and if in order award you this Years Prize. Please note you can ONLY hand in one full set. (Per Captain).

You can find these Ladies at the following locations :

Trantor, Fujimori
Mostony, Edana
Yam, Sabian
Zarante, Berolina
Tantas, Yonartthakr
Aurelia, ARK-09
Pevek, Trade Hub 59
Metri, Janus Station
Kirzhach, Starbase-140
Blake, Lucious Port
Gainsboro, Pyragles Base
Elmquae, Habitat-87
Oengo, Otaio
Franklyn, Yeltsim
Sunrise, Zwanziq Station
Ethan, Darius

The Prize This year is 1,000 Festive Points, 1,000 Barter Points, CES Extractors, A Mall and as a special something from me to the community a 2018 World Cup Device. It’s a Pod and is modelled off the Sochi Device! Have fun figuring that one out. You will ONLY be able to get this device through the game, it will not be on sale. (same as the Sochi) and it’s not tradeable!

Extra Flags
We will be providing ways to grab extra flags during the World Cup Period. These will range from Chat shouts, Forum Community Competitions, Facebook Competitions and also Twitter shouts. It’s up to YOU to keep an eye open and take part to win.

The WC Reps will remain open checking Flag collections till 4:00 PM on the 15th of July (Game Time). After that I suggest you trade in your Flags for Festive points. A month after the final Whistle of the World Cup all flags will disappear from the game.

I will also be running a SERVER WIDE Challenge with the flags but you will need to read my follow up post later today for that.



  1. Ax Doc says:

    There are multiple things to do, and it is up to the person playing to dictate the way they fly their ship.

    Flag 1 please.

  2. James says:

    Core-exiles is one of the most interesting space themed games i have ever had the chance to play. I love all the missions and the other players are as friendly as I have ever seen. Great game and i recommend this game to anyone who likes to do what you want to in a game.

    Colombia or US flag please.

  3. Space Bucks says:

    Being a new player, I was reluctant to make a comment, but I cannot help myself.
    The game is already addictive. It is has so much to do and learn about that it is impossible to get sick of it.
    On top of all that, it seems like every player is friendly and helpful — show me that in STO or SWTOR!
    Some folks have issues with ‘bowser’ games, I say pish-posh, you can play this game from anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection. That means it will work on any tablet or smart phone as well as every computer.

    Try it and if you do not absolutely fall in love with it, Coops will give you double your money back 😛
    Cheers to all the Dev, players and GMs, it is a awesomet collection of EXILES and an all-a-round great game.

    Mike aka Capt. SpaceBucks
    Riding in the Tin Can
    Any flag will do, or better yet, just give me the festive points 🙂

  4. MadMaxxx says:

    Great game, awesome staff, friendly community and gazzillion things to do here (be any proffesion u desire)

    Captain MadMaxxx
    World cup flag no.1

  5. easyjaws says:

    This game is as open-ended as you will ever find!!!!!!
    In-game goals are all up to you.
    The players are extremely helpful & talkative
    You will never get bored, there are just to many things to do.
    Tons of in game freebies.
    Devs improve & expand daily.
    Best game you will ever play. I’ve been playing for 2 years now

    Talk at ya later
    Capt Easyjaws

  6. Valiant10 says:

    Been playing for more years than I care to remember. As the Expanse becomes settled, would love to see Alien goods offered by Sven (Alien Common Tech is very rare, go figure). Flag 01 please. –Valiant10

  7. dilvish says:

    I have been playing Core Exiles for years now, and I always find something new. It is constantly updating, and evolving. Give it a try, you will get hooked too. I need flag #32 please

  8. Walhabie says:

    Been playing Core-Exiles for years and years and from time to time I even work on the game as part of the staff. Coops works not stop on adding stuff to the game and improving the game where ever possible. The game is balanced and follows the simple rule of risk vs reward… and on top of that there is so much stuff to do one can never get bored unless they try really, really, hard.

    The game doesn’t just draw you in for 2 weeks, getting you to spend your money before the game becomes boring and drawn out to the point that you just lose interest and leave. You can spend a few minutes or hours a day or can spend hours and hours on the game just doing all sorts of stuff. Yes you can spend cash on the game but you don’t have to to enjoy the game and on top of that Coops provides so many different ways to earn credit in the store if you just are active in the game you will get everything you want.

    If that wasn’t good enough, the game community in chat is friendly, helpful and just a great way to waste time chatting about this or that… if you for some reason don’t have questions on how to do something specific in the game. Awesome game and the only reason you aren’t playing already is because you were lost in the cloud of generic, silly and unoriginal games out there.

    Flag #2

  9. Navile says:

    There’s an interesting international crowd at Core-Exiles… one of my CE “business associates” lives in India, and many guildmates come from English-speaking nations around the world. And they use nice small words so US-Americans like me can clearly understand them. 😉

    flag 03 please

  10. Typhon Grey says:

    I love CE for many reasons, and I have only been playing a few months. The lack of PvP is a plus, as you can get a competitive fix but you don’t have to worry about some scrub who has simply spent more money than you coming along and ruining your fun. I also like to play when I am winding down my day as it is relaxing and therapeutic to just haul cargo, blow up a few pirates or mine and refine some ore.

    The best part of CE is the community. There are active players that are all willing to help each other get what they need and the events are always fun.

    Thank you,
    Capt. Typhon Grey

    Flag 15 please.

  11. GinRummyDummy says:

    This game allows you to play at your own pace and there are always special festive events to add more spice and benefits for being online.

    Don’t forget to stop by the Gin Mill in Kalisto to get a 10% of settlement fees back on your Wesbec deliveries.

    -Capt GinRummyDummy

    Thanks Coops, could I get a #31 please?

  12. Asdrubal says:

    an awesome game, it will meet whatever you’re looking for in a game.
    it is almost perfect and that only cuz YOU maybe dont bellieve in perfection.
    lol i am in love with it.
    flag #25 thank ya 🙂
    Captain Asdrubal

  13. Xenon says:

    I’ve been playing pretty much constantly since February! There is always a new challenge to be met!

    Flag No.24 to complete my set please, thank you! (Cpt.) Xenon, (Ship) Liberator.

  14. Zaniah says:

    I love playing CE, It never gets boring. There is such a variety of things to do. You can be a combat pilot one minute and a miner the next. This game has a great community with some really good players. The best part is that it is not player verse player, and you can play at your own pace. Fast or slow.

    Could I have a #23 please. Thank you!

  15. Stringer says:

    This game continues to change. I am coming up on six years playing and there is still new stuff to do. I don’t think it would be possible to do everything, so you have to choose what you like to do.

  16. Porrima says:

    I have been playing Core Exiles for over 5 years. The game offers numerous challenges and is fun to play. The game continues to evolve with new content and so remains fresh. There is much do so you will never be bored!

    Coops, Captain Porrima would like World Cup Flag #23. – Thanks

  17. Waralow says:

    Trying to be a pirate.

    Capt Waralow
    Flag 3

  18. Swampwallaby says:

    An economy that actually works, say no more!!!

  19. Marcus says:

    What’s to say about CE? Well, after 5 years playing, you’d think i would have run out of things to say, not so.
    CE is the best non PvP game running. Play at your speed, no one elses. Never a dull moment since you can pick from a variety of careers, or even have 2 or 3.
    CEaholics will tell you the same thing.. CE ROCKS!!

    Flag #10 please

  20. Aello Starfire says:

    The best thing about CE is that you can play it at your own pace! No one is watching you and rushing you to meet certain goals by certain times. For example, you can play the game for 5 years and get to level 50, or you can play it for the same 5 years and get to level 100. It all depends on you and how much time you are willing to invest in the game.

    Captain Aello Starfire would love a World Cup Flag #23 🙂 Thanks Coops and CE Staff!

  21. Renfield says:

    What none of the goody-two-shoes captains above have mentioned is that you CAN be a privateer! You can shoot the Gal Fed navy instead of their enemies!

    Doing it without burning all your bridges is the trick. Look me up early if you plan to try it.

    Captain Renfield, guild member of Ordinem Viatori Caelestia, would like World Cup Collection 10.

  22. Xeno The Morph says:

    I’m pretty much addicted to CE… the variety of open choices, constant expansion & events, lack of PvP (well we have mechs but that doesn’t really count :P) and friendly community always keep me coming back year after year 🙂
    Not to forget that if your feeling a bit lazy you can come back later or just do some quick ‘maintenance’ tasks towards a longer term goal you have given yourself!
    Cptn Xeno The Morph
    (Flag 20 pls)

  23. samson says:

    i learned how to do salvages becuase of this world cup event. I hope to have a set soon. i could use a #30

    thanks coops for keeping it fun!

  24. king david says:

    these contests are great, makes everything so much fun. I enjoyed the sochi game, and this world cup is more intense!
    I have a timer set for my stamina now!

    i need a piece #32 please

  25. Nefarious says:

    Hi, I’m Captian Nefarious and i’m a CEholic.
    Ok, so admittedly, that sounded better in my head, but seriously, this game is addictive.

    Hauling, crafting, combat, salvaging, mining, exploring, mech battling and loads more in between.
    So hard to find a place to start to explain just how good this game is…so I simply won’t.
    Just create an account, pick a name (one you like, dont pick something like BUTZLOL, you will be stuck with it) and find out for yourself.

    I hope to see you all in CEA meetings sometime soon 🙂

    Flag 10 please.

    P.S If your name is BUTZLOL, I mean no disrespect, seriously, I think it’s a great name, honestly I do.

  26. Albert Ross says:

    Challenges around every corner, very few “Must do”; mostly “Do if it fits/helps your plan.” Flag 31 please.

  27. Sparky says:

    If you want quality, variety, and longevity then Core Exiles is the place to be.

    I really did not realise how restricted other internet games were until I immersed myself in this one.

    This place is like the Hotel California…..

    So come on in….

    I would like a flag 31 please.

  28. Poltergist says:

    CE is non PVP with a vast range of activities and challenges
    With constant updates and additions to the game even the top level players have tough challenges
    Fortunately their is a great community to help if you want to go it alone but join a guild for to to get a great start

    Haul, combat, mine, craft all can be excluse or combined to make a nice multi-role game
    Check it out you will not be disappointed

    Cpt Poltergist – Flag 5 please

  29. Poltergist says:

    CE is non PVP play as you like how you like with plenty of challenges

    I need flag 5 to gain one of the great freebies offered to all players

    The CE community is great with plenty of helping each other out and join Intelliquest guild for a real starting boost

    Coops flag 5 please 🙂 Coops is the game creator who can’t stop adding new content

  30. Delandra says:

    hooked on this game! so many different things to do.. I really like that there is no PvP.
    [except for the mech arena!]
    you dont lose all that you have spent many hours building..

    Awesome game, Coops 🙂

  31. Strongwood says:

    This game has so much to offer. It is my favorite game on the internet and everyone that plays here is important in the progression of the game. It may be overwhelming at first, but that passes quickly. The friendly and helpful community is like none i have ever encountered before. Spend some time here and you will be happy with your experience

    Events like this occur frequently and are greatly appreciated
    thanks to coops and the entire staff
    may I have a flag 10 please


  32. Bloodskye says:

    I have played a lot of onlinegames and this one is easily the best. Everquest, Asheron’s Call (ok – that one was pretty good), Eve, SWTOR (that one was pretty good also), Star trek Online, D&D Online, and the browser game that has the Frogzard in it (don’t remember the name).

    CE is the best of the bunch. You really can play free – none of the ‘sorry you can’t use the best items unless you subscribe’ nonsense or the slimey ‘here are all these crates with really cool things in them but you can’t open them unless you buy things from the store’ trick. or even the ‘you aren’t allowed to go to these places unless you buy access or subscribe’ nonsence.

    Everything I want in the game is completely open to me as a free player. The people are helpful and friendly and the game keeps developing and expanding. Come on in and say hello – we’re glad to have you here.

  33. HarryMann says:

    Last month I celebrated my first year anniversary with CE. I don’t know the number of hours involved, but instead of becoming bored I find my game time more important now than ever before!
    Thanks for making my retirement years so enjoyable!
    Make my flag USA.

  34. Korth says:

    Great game, variety of play styles, content.. Flag 12 please. Capt Korth

  35. Sukayo says:

    Cpt. Sukayo likes a lot in CE, now only getting this special device for this world cup … where to maximize loot?

  36. Cap'n STONE says:

    Games within a game. The staff here at CORE-EXILES are always supporting world championship games, Olympics, heck even special holidays with give-aways, contests, challenges.. Theres always something going on a things to do thats why I love this game..look me up…Cap’n STONE and any random flags will do..:P

  37. Quillian says:

    Core-Exiles is a game for grownups. Instead of hair-trigger reflexes, to succeed a player needs patience, persistence, and no small amount of planning.

  38. Alan Sinclair says:

    Ahh The world cup event. one of many fun events that we can paticapate in every year. its like trading cards collect them and trade them with your fellow captains , always a blast 🙂

  39. Squirt says:

    CE is the best online browser game out there. The amount of things you can do, paths you can choose is immense! You’ll never get bored and if you do, you can always find some other path or option to keep you busy.

    Capt. Squirt

    Any flag will do. 🙂

  40. jebrighton says:

    I am looking forward to anything that will will bring something actually exciting about soccer. Now cut the field in half, take off half the players and maybe you get something. Nah. won’t work.

  41. lec03 says:

    Welcome to CE, this games has something for everyone. Mining, crafting or combat to name a few. Log in and give a
    try. See you online Captain lec03… and go USA

  42. Blinkin says:

    CE is a great game with loads of things to do and I’m already loving it after a couple of weeks!

  43. garavi says:

    Well , what to point up from Core Exiles. Maybe the fact there is no PVP in game. You can sleep without worry some one will destroy what you have done. Main goal is not to destroy but to create . You can play the game in lot of ways. You can be miner, explorer, trader, pirate hunter, builder.
    You can have fun! 🙂
    Just dive in Core Exiles
    I’m Capatain Garavi , Exodus guild. Join us!

  44. aRJay says:

    Core Exiles is simply the best Space combat/trading/hauling/salvaging/exploring/crafting/engineering/mining/surveying/settlement management
    game there is, you can do any or all of the above from either side of the law (some have managed both sides).

    So join in you have nothing to loose except all your free time.

    Captain aRJay, member of the Intelliquest guild who would like a shiny new England flag to start his collection.

  45. Rapa2k says:

    The best game in the world!!!! I love combat and mining. Cpt Rapa2k, any flag.

  46. Shinter says:

    Core Exiles is such a fun game with incredible depth on its own that it is easy to play for years on end, but the addition of festive events such as this, which give even more reason and reward just for playing as normal make it something to make sure you keep coming back to. The game is continually evolving and growing over time, and incorporating these sorts of global festive events into the game really does a great job of bringing together the global community of gamers that live in the CE Universe.

    -Shinter, who would love a World Cup Flag 20 🙂

  47. fjiekie says:

    Like you can see by this post, all real life global events are integrated into the game for FREE and GREAT prizes!
    (ofcourse only positive events are celebrated this way)

    capt. Fjiekie

  48. Captain Alumoi says:

    Great game, great prizes in all the events.
    What more can you want?
    Oh, did I mention the endless possibilities you get: fighter, miner, scavenger :P, explorer? Be what you want, when you want.
    And Coops, captain Alumoi would be grateful for any flag.

  49. Bebeb says:

    FREEBIES, CE has the MOST generous Devs of any game on the net.
    Basically you play the game and win stuff, usually very good stuff at that can only be got this way.

    The World Cup event that is on now is one of those and it is open to all players be they level 1 or level 200, what you can get will be useful no matter what level you are.

    Capt Bebeb
    Flag Australia

  50. Darakhoranon says:

    One of the best things about CE is that you’re never locked into a single career (unless of course you want to be…). Got bored with hauling cargo? Shoot NPC ships for a while. Don’t feel like mining anymore? Craft some items. Want some free stuff? Just post something when asked to do so… 😉

    So hand over the promised flag already, Coops (any is fine). Oh, and don’t forget the 500,000,000 credits you still owe me!
    Hey, it was worth a try. 😀

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