Welcome to Shinter

In the last week Shinter has been doing a great job as our Social Media Manager, but with a little arm twisting we have managed to persuade him to move to the ‘dark side’ and become a full staff member.

Staff give their time freely here at Core-Exiles, helping the player base and the Dev staff (Prev and I) whilst we create new code, re-tweak old code and generally tinker with ideas on Dev. They hang out in Chat and the forums and try their best to help where they can.

Shinter has been with Core-Exiles long enough to know the ropes and answers to most of your questions, but go easy on him he’s got a LOT of reading to do in the next few days and the staff room antics can be harsh on even the toughest of recruits :)

Welcome to the CE staff Shinter…

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