Weapon Art Released

It’s taken me a few extra days due to the sheer volume of Weapons and items that fit in the weapons slots. But… I have completed the transfer of all the new art and replaced all the existing. This means any old art you’re seeing in Weapons Slots means your browser is seeing cached images.

You can either do a forced refresh of the Loadout screen, or at this stage you may want to do a browser cache refresh.

These kind folk have created a list of how to do that for various OS’s and browsers : https://its.uiowa.edu/support/article/719

I’m off to soak my eyeballs in optrex and if that fails the evening in a dark room :)

Last one on the Ship’s Loadout screen is the Shields. I’ll do those then return to some code for a while whilst resting before going on to complete Pods and Specials!


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