VIP Barge Transfer Boost

As you may have been able to tell I’m on a VIP upgrade tour atm adding in new features to the VIP selection. These are ALL from player suggestions here in the forums. This one requires a separate post though to fully explain so there is no confusion. :)

Barges have a default resource Transfer range. That range is 60. This VIP add ‘VIP Barge Transfer Range‘ increases that by Fifty per purchase. You may purchase as many of the upgrades as you wish making it easier to transfer the resources directly to where you want them, cutting out the need to keep QTD them all over the place later.

Note increasing your transfer range above 1280 is a waste as the longest transfer range is 1280

For those who have no idea about our VIP points they come from being a Patreon Supporter – It is an alternative method for players to help support Core-Exiles. It’s a great way for those of you with only small amounts of monthly available spare funds to show your support.

The Patreon Site is set up to offer Rewards based on your Pledge amount. Currently, we have $1, $5 and $10 so as you can see not a king’s ransom. Each pledge amount has its own set of rewards and you also get VIP points each month to the value of your pledge.

Take a look at the patreon site directly OVER HERE

You can find the VIP in game store (so to speak) from the bottom left hand tab then look for the bottom link V.I.P. Store.


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