Second Genesis Planet

Gus had spoken, and it appears that the second firing of a Genesis Device has gone off perfectly. No loss of life and the planet is currently in its ‘Cooking Phase’. You can read about it OVER HERE

Meanwhile some of you will not know what this is all about. The Genesis Devices are built using donations to the Genesis Collection offices dotted around the Galaxies. Each one when complete allows the boffins to build a Genesis Device. This when fired creates a whole new Planet in that given system.

The planet goes through a cooking process and when done will become open for exploration. Once that process is complete it will then be habitable. The Coalition will then divvy up 200+ plots of land for captains to purchase. These are purchased using Genesis Points, these are gained through the donations spoken of above.

We will be bringing on two new Genesis collection locations shortly to replace the two now completed. More on that at the time. In the mean time stockpile Exploration Packs and get ready to explore Horizon.

One small point that whilst has been covered in the past might need to be restated. you may only own ONE Genesis Plot. So if you already have one you cant have another. One per captain. If you want another go start an Alt.


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