Salvage Expansion
New Bulk Option

CE is now in its fifteenth year. During that time, the Misc section of CE has grown and grown. It now encompasses just over 1000 unique items. We added both salvage and sub-mol to allow a % of that to be returned into the game in the form of resources. But of that large volume, only around 50+ items could be salvaged.

The first change as of last night has been that the Salvage list have been expanded to over half of the existing Misc loot style items.

Added to the list has been

R.O.L.F. Fragments
Data Chips
Space Debris (medical)
Space Debris (tech)
Space Debris (tools)
Space Debris (alien)
High Tech
High Tech Engineering
High Tech Structural
Data Module

This increased the amount of items that can be salvaged by a massive factor. Now you CAN salvage these by hand 1 at a time if you wish. Or you can make the use of a new add-on to CE. Some of you will have spotted it already. I added and tested it all last night but my flu kicked my butt in to bed before I could make this post.

Settlement Bulk Misc Recycler
This building is sold by Ellie Durrant over in Descarte. You can find it under the Level 6 Buildings list. It’s not cheap, but it’s a permanent addition to a settlement. The building itself does NOT need staff as it’s fully automated. As its title suggests, it is a Bulk Misc Recycler. That means that you can load it up with 1 or as many as you like of a given Salvageable item and add it to the queue to be processed.

No more recycling a pile of 40 or 400 items 1 at a time by hand. The Recycler Queue is fed from the Secure Store. Items added to the queue are processed in the order they are added. The Recycler is open to the public and will recycle based on the current Settlements’ recycler research level.

There is also an efficiency to be gained by being loyal to a specific recycler. Each recycler centre will track how much you recycle with them, and you can earn up to an extra 20% on top of the recycler itself on resource payment.

All resources are dropped automatically at the chosen recycler location and placed in the Commercial Storage.

Settlement owners who deploy one of these will receive a 10% recycle kick back (which can also re researched). So clients will be aiding both themselves and the owner of the settlement. As the recycler processes the queue, it PM’s each customer in turn as their queued items are completed. A log is also stored with the settlement, so they can review the recyclers’ activity.

Should anyone want to save, 100million credits and help support Core Exiles, I will add this building to the CE Store



Hi Folks,

Just a small update : I had a few requests that the output Private Message informed you what you got out the back end of your Salvages from the new Bulk Recycler. This has been implemented. As of this post, any item recycled through the Bulk Settlements Recyclers will have the resource data in the PM Notification.

We already have several players with 5% loyalty, way to go, and so far the recyclers are topping out on 20K of items recycled. Looks like a winner.

For those interested in this subject and changes, have a ponder on if you would like to see the same thing but for Submol ? So a Bulk Submol for the game. This one might be more of a Starbase thing, but let’s see if I get any feedback.


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