Professor Wade Saves Wife!

For those not stuck under a rock or nose to the grind stone at work, you will have noticed that we ran a D.I.P.S.I collection festive event last week. This was to help Professor wade save his Wife Harriet.

You can read about it OVER HERE along with links to the other elements of the story line.

Thankfully you all came to his rescue and handed in the 6,500 D.I.P.S.I Tech items that were needed in post haste time!

The D.I.P.S.I Foundation offices were handing out Festive Points in return for these items and a promise of a D.I.P.S.I Device of your own should Wade save his wife. Well the news is GOOD shes alive and well and returned safe and sound!

This activates TWO things…

FIRST: Everyone that took PART in the original collection has BEEN awarded a D.I.P.S.I Pod Device. Find it in your ships Pod Store. Sadly those who did not take part missed out – Keep an eye on the game Dev posts, ISN and in game posts (all were made).

SECOND: There are still aprox 3,500 D.I.P.S.I Technology (Misc) items left in players holds. So the Professor has agreeed to REOPEN the D.I.P.S.I Technology Foundation Offices at the following locations.

Kelsey – Sankarea – Sphere
Kalerd – Horizon – Verec-Per
Mork – Mindy – Furnace
Torc – Jody – The Forge
Xellum – Jaworski – Anvil

These will remain open for a few weeks so that those who ended up with DIPSI tech items can offload them for Festive Points. (Round of applause I think for Professor Wades kindness!)

I suspect there will be a ISN News post on the subject of how they got Professor Wades wife Harriet back shortly.


One Comment

  1. Captain Nifft Thellian says:

    This was a great event and a lot of fun to participate in. The D.I.P.S.I pod helps out a ton, and will only get better! Thanks to Coops and the Dev team. I appreciate that the drop-off was extended as well.You are very generous and that’s just one of the reasons I keep coming back for more. I’m looking forward to the next event and continue to make discoveries as I level up. -Captain Nifft Thellian, signing off-

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