ORSA Change Over Tuesday 7th
Server Down Time

It’s been a VERY VERY long time since we took the CE server Down for an upgrade or any kind of extended down time. But the change over of management at the ORSA Offices means we need to pull ALL active Extractors and close down and refurbish all the offices and spawn points.

This will be done from 10:00 AM (Game Time) onwards this coming Tuesday the 7th.

You can expect the server to be down for approx an Hour. It may be shorter than this and depending on the initial quick testing it may be longer. But we will do our best to get you back on-line as soon as possible.

If you wish you can Pull your extractors yourself prior to this Time or we will pull them for you once the server is closed.

All extractors will be emptied, pulled and returned to your ships hold.

The new Offices will simply replace the existing ones, so your favourite haunts will still exist no changes there. Spawn points will be completely re spawned fresh, and the new system which you wont find all that different to the old will be implemented.

We will post the changes and a small guide on the changes HERE once the server goes down to the change over. This is also linked in the ORSA office on the deployment screen should you miss it :) I will at the time of opening heavily suggest players READ IT :)

As I alluded to in my PM on the first of this month to everyone in game, this is a rebalancing of a system that has gotten so far out of whack its far from even slightly funny. Sometimes change is required for the sake of the game, this is one of those changes. But, it’s not all doom and gloom, and our staff (who have worked diligently to test this one) have already begun to find merit in the new system.

Please don’t pester them with questions prior to release as they will be tight-lipped on the subject due to me having their ‘insert body part here’ in a vice :)

SERVER DOWN TIME – 10:00 AM (Game Time) onwards this coming Tuesday the 7th.

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