Once Again…

Today I had a report from the ‘Server Monitor’ that informed me one of the game Databases (the Wiki) was over size and growing. This is not the first time the CE Wiki has been attacked and hacked. As this software is third party and not written by myself or Prev we have little or no control over its overall security.

The Database had grown to 27gb’s in size and the data was being used by third party exploit hackers. I reviewed the situation and even attempted several restores, but all met with various issues, being the hackers were not happy they appear to have lost their latest data hideout lol.

I have therefore removed the Wiki and placed a redirect on the site. This makes the third time the Wiki (in its three formats) has been hacked, and I’m no longer prepared to wast time and effort and open up the CE Servers to any further kind of security risk not within our control.

Moving forward….

Guides – A few years back I set up https://guides.core-exiles.com/ this is a guides site populated with accurate and up-to-date data from myself and at the time a few select players who helped out. The sites codebase is up-to-date and secure and always advancing with the times. Adding new categories and documents / guides is simple and far more visually appealing. Keeping the site up-to-date and secure is easier and can also be monitored.

Should you wish to help out with this project now or over time contact me in chat (Discord) for more information.

In Game Help – when I first laid down the foundations for CE we included a Help Bubble icon on the footer. The intention was to add a help page for each section of the game. This is STILL in place BUT only the first few years of game content was populated in the Database. So we have literally 100’s and 100’s of game sections where when you press the help button you get an empty useless page.

This data is relevant to EACH section of the game you’re viewing and is stored in the DB itself. So backed up with the game. Of course, it can’t be as long-winded or contain images etc, but thats what a Guides site is for.

I’d LIKE (hope / wish) we could spend some time as a community and populate ALL the in game Help Pages.

If you’d LIKE to help with that one please get in contact with me in Chat (Discord).

Lastly to reiterate, I have taken down the old wiki site. The Database was corrupted with 3rd party hacker data and trying to extract anything useful from it is a poor use of my time. I suggest the community as a whole move forward, help me populate the Guides site and also the in game help pages.


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