Official Festivity Dates

With so much compressed in to the next few months and with the addition of the World Cup festivities starting in November, I thought I’d publish the Official CE festive dates. Along with the dates that any festive items that have an expiration date will be removed.

Perhaps Guild Leaders can grab this post and share it with their members who intend to take part?

Halloween Oct 1st – Nov 1st
All Items removed Midnight on the 15th Nov

OK So we are already over halfway through Halloween Festivities with a lot going on. This includes a daily hand out from the play to win ticker, a Coops Collection, a Rexxoleen Calendar drop and of course the Halloween Exchanges.

Movember Awareness / Guy Fawkes, Nov 1st – Nov 30th
All Items removed, Midnight on the 15th Dec

Next up in November. During that Month we celebrate the great work of those over at Movember and of course celebrate the Guy Fawkes festivities. During that time more hand ins will be in action with the ticker switching to Movember and Guy Fawkes paintings.

World Cup : 20 Nov – 18 Dec 2022
All Items removed, Midnight on the 30th Dec

Then of course as we always do we help celebrate the World Cup. This is a massive collection with a few hand ins and special competitions. So you will not want to miss this one. This one WILL overlap with the November festivities AND the December festivities, so you will have a bumper amount to collect during that time.

Christmas Festivities – 1st Dec – 1st Jan
All Items removed Midnight on the 15th Jan

Lastly, but by no means least! Decembers Festivities. We have so much going on in December, and it will culminate with a Challenge and Stomp the Staff competition (mech arena). There are special crafting hand competitions and Coops hand ins and of course another Exchange program that runs over December.

Coops Challenge & Mech War – 23rd Dec – 6th Jan
All Items removed Midnight on the 15th Jan

This will be the 18th Challenge, with the last one back in July. Almost ever occupation and profession and take part with goals and whilst all that goes on lest see if you can’t kick the staff Butts in the Mech Arena over Christmas and the New Year.

How many Ribblez in a Crate? 30th November
Competition to guess the number of Ribblez in a Crate : viewtopic.php?t=3960

Guess the SNARG 30th November
A two part question competition. Guess the total amount bonded and the total IP earned : viewtopic.php?t=3959

Events – Suggest & Win – 31st of December
A competition to offer you a chance to create events for Planet and Derelict Exploration. : viewtopic.php?t=3961

Final note on items’ removal. Most if not all the items handed out during the Festivities have a shelf life. They should have this in their data bio and can be seen there for reference, but the dates above will be the OFFICIAL removal dates of any items left over. So IF you have these items AFTER the various competitions close and BEFORE the expiry date on the items, take them to the festive store and exchange them for festive points.

I hope everyone has as much taking part this year as I do running these competitions. Lots of prizes, fuel and rewards along with a smattering of store items up for grabs this year. Have fun Folks!


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