New staff Members Announced

Dear Core-Exiles Community,

I am thrilled to announce that our beloved SCIFI game, Core-Exiles, is expanding its dedicated team of volunteers! Today, we warmly welcome four talented individuals who have graciously accepted the role of non-paid staff members. Their invaluable assistance will be directed towards supporting new players, aiding those in need on the Community Forums, and fostering a vibrant atmosphere on our Official Discord Channel.

Please join me in extending a heartfelt thank you to our new staff members for their commitment and passion in helping our community thrive. They have eagerly stepped forward to dedicate their time and efforts, willingly offering their expertise to support our players and assist with testing new features.


Our staff members are a vital component of the social fabric that makes Core-Exiles such a remarkable and engaging game. Their diligent work contributes to the growth and enhancement of our virtual universe.

As we embark on this new chapter, let’s extend a warm welcome to our newest team members. They are ready to dive into their roles, lending a helping hand wherever it is needed. Whether you have inquiries, require guidance, or seek an engaging discussion about all things Core-Exiles, our staff members will be there to support you where they can.

Please join me in expressing our gratitude and appreciation to our outstanding staff members for their invaluable contributions to the Core-Exiles community. Their dedication and passion embody the spirit of this incredible game, and together, we will continue to forge an unforgettable journey for all who enter our virtual realm.


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