New Galaxy Locator
For the Blind

I strive my best to help where I can when it comes to the VI / Blind community playing CE. It’s so easy to forget that a ‘simple’ lookup for the sighted is in fact a major pain in the ass for the VI / Blind. So I put together a quick page this morning so that everyone can quickly get an overview of the Galaxy and its Planets / Locations.

Bookmark THIS LINK

The page is a list view (sort-able) of the Galaxy locations. It shows the names, systems, tech, law, Galaxy and also Factions. It also gives you info on if the location is a Settlement owned by a player and if so which planet the settlement is on.

I’m sure there will be a few sighted players using this, but I’ve added it for the VI / Blind community and hope it will be of use.


P.S I have also added this link into the Galaxy Locator in game. So you don’t have to come here looking for it when you loose it


  1. evil brother says:

    I too like it

  2. Siddharth says:

    This is a very nice upgrade for Blind and screen reader users I had bookmarked it to use it .

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