New Art – Reactors & Cargo Units

I’ve spent pretty much all of today replacing all the game Cargo Expander Art and the Reactor Art. Nearly,
7,000 images in total. These are ALL on the Server and have replaced EVERY Reactor and Cargo Expander image.

If your browser is still being stubborn and showing an old image, simply do a forced refresh on the main Ships Loadout Screen.

I’d hold off on clearing your browser cache for a few days, as I’m going to be working on the last two sections ‘Shields and Weapons’ (the largest sections) next. But, doing a hard browser refresh (normally Control+F5) on the loadout page should load the real images for your loadout.

To be clear, these images are for EVERY type of Reactor and Cargo Expander, including all the whacky ones we have in RA and Coops Upgrade format. So all those gory backdrops will have gone now.


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