Merry Christmas From Core-Exiles
First off if your reading this, Merry Christmas! It’s been a long year, but this year is a special one for us as we turn Ten this New Year. CE was started in my garage with a simple idea and a simple ethos. This New Year it will be Ten years since we first placed digital pen to paper and started writing the game. Back then I knew nothing of coding, I bought a bunch of books and scoured the net for examples.
In that ten years a lot has changed and we’ve passed through some trying times both professionally and personally, but we are still here and still adding and tweaking Core-Exiles every day. Our loyal player base is still there and we even still have some of the original players still with us! We are still working on making it through that wall that keeps indi development games like ours from the masses, but that hasn’t stopped us adding content after content updates to Core-Exiles.
There is a lot going on in the Core-Exiles Universe and a lot more to come in 2015 so if your playing now, know you have a lot to look forward to, and if you visiting the site for the first time – it’s time to take the plunge!
CE boasts what is probably the largest and deepest Sci-Fi browser game out there, our community and staff are friendly and helpful, and you will still be finding new facets to the game long after you thought you knew it all.
Have a merry Christmas and if I do speak to you before then a great New Year!
Here’s hoping everyone had a Merry Xmas, and that everyone has a fantastic New Year.
Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year to everyone !!
be safe over the holidays and come back healthy
thanks once more to Coops and all the gang who build and keep Core Exiles the BEST game ever !!
Merry Christmas prolly a wee tad late though >.> ah well its what i get for getting suckered into a position of responsibility on minecraft. Hope everyone had fun and merriment.
Thanks to Coops and entire staff for another great year. I can’t wait to see what the next year brings. Happy Holidays to all.
Merry Chrimbo to one and all!
Here’s to a lotmore of the Core in 2015.
I am totally addicted to this place!
Call a Christmas Doctor!
Merry Christmas to Coops and Staff
Thank you for keeping the game going and adding to it constantly. I have only been here a short time, but I am hopelessly hooked !!
Have a safe and happy Holiday Season everyone
Christmas, gifts, and time to be with somebody … close in mind with me. Happy trading!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you.
Can’t wait for more new features, updates and add-ons to the game for next year.
A very Merry Christmas to all my fellow players, and especially to Coops, and thank you to him for having given birth to this great game some 10 years ago! Happy Tenth Anniversary and long life to Core Exiles!
Steekay (Sophie)
A very Merry Christmas to all my fellow players, and especially to Coops, and thank you to him for having given birth to this great game some 10 years ago! Happy Tenth Anniversary and long life to Core Exiles!
Steekay (Sophie)
Merry Christmas to everyone!
Happy Holiday Time to all of you out there !!
I have been with CE for awhile and I am working towards Level 75 over the last while. The problem has been : there is SO MUCH new stuff that I get distracted constantly !!
Come and join the Fun and the Friendly People here at Core Exiles
Merry Christmas to ALL and to all a good year !!
CE is the Xmas Present that gives all year long…
Merry Christmas to all!!
And to all a good fight!!
(Oh wait… I meant “Good Crafting!!”… or maybe “Good Extracting!!” or “Good Mining!!”… Whatever you like… Core Exiles is the best!!)
Captain TimeWaster
Merry Christmas and happy new year from us: CE people …

Merry Christmas to everyone out there in space, and many thanks to Coops who makes the game very exciting and fun to play !
Happy Holidays!
(Now where’s my free stuff? ;))
Everyone here at CE I Would Like To Wish You And Your Family A Very Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year Im 1 Year Old Here And I Love It A Big Thank You To The Staff And Deathsgate for Helping Me With The Game It Is Awesome Here A CE
Thank you Coops
Merry Christmas and good health to everbody in the CE community.
Another CE year almost passed and I enjoyed every second I played this game.
The level 5 bio engine and a new Enkal-Per with all the optional features was a merry enough Christmas for me, but I hope everyone else has a Merry Christmas too, whatever their Christmas wishes are
Happy celebrations to Coops and the rest of the staff, and also to all the other fellow captains!
Thank you for this awesome game!
Its all new to me , but enjoyinging easy pace learning , and thinking I will be around for many more Xmas,s
All the best to the people that keep this babyy running I like your Ethos
Merry Christmas to Coops and crew, and to all my fellow captains out there. I hope the holiday season is the perfect cap to this year for you and a springboard into the next. Keep the spirit of the season in mind no matter how rough things get, and remember to graciously accept any well-wishes earnestly offered, no matter which holiday’s greeting is used.
Oh, and be sure to hang your stockings by the reactor core with care, in hopes that San Ticlaws will soon be there.
A merry Christmas to everybody.
Thanks to Coops and team for a great game. CE is not just a game, its a long term experience and the only game I have seen to celebrate most holiday celebrations with its player base, including free stuff to help in game and even just to have fun with.:)
A Very merry Christmas to all- I got mine early, when I found this game. Thanks to the devs, staff, and players for making this a good place to be.
You’ll never find a better legal addiction,,,,,
Thank you! Happy Christmas to Coops and all the staff!
Also, Happy celebrations to all the other players, obviously!
Thank you to everyone that makes this the best browser game ever created!
Just like to wish everyone in CE best wishes for the festive season and thank Coops for his year round enthusiasm! And whatever you do, don’t let your SNARGlet find your mince pie stash – had to put what was left of my christmas goodies in the airlock to save them from that ravenous maniac!
Merry Xmas to all players and staff. Thank you for a wonderful gaming experience.
Merry Christmas to everyone including staffies and Devs. Let there be many more Christmasses for CE and let your wishes come true!
G’day; started playing CE when I lived in Australia, stopped, moved to Wales couldn’t wait to get back on line. Tried other games, what a waste of time! CE and only CE fllls my gaming time.
Seasons Greetings to all: Happy Hanuka, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Captains, COOPS and staff members! It has been fun playing with all of you and I look forward to more space adventures going forward.
God bless us, everyone.
And may the force be with you… sorry, wrong game
Thank you all for making this little game of ours a joy to learn.
Merry Christmas to all!
Hmmmm…. Seems short compared to everyone else…
Hope CE will be around to see another ten or twenty christmasses!
Merry Christmas to everyone. I play this game 3 year with omissions…I always come back because there is no better .
Coops and team – this is very great work ,congratulation ! And thanks!
First of Merry Christmas to y’all! and wow 10 years old that’s great! when i first found CE i didn’t think it was still a active game. but man was i wrong!
And if youre trying to decide if you will like this game, i say go for it iv had alot of fun over the last to months!
Congratulations on the anniversary.
It’s my first new year here, i’ll be here for the next one as well.
So far Coops is like a Santa all year round, not just Christmas!
thank you coops. Merry Christmas to you too. I am enjoying the game that you and your team has labored to build.
I wish Core Exiles a prosperous New Year! Cheers to the staff as well!!!!!
Playing Ce from last 5 year and this week had reached Level 180 long time goal of mine
so xmas got early for me .
am looking forward for all cool stuff of new updates of 2015 in game .
happy Xmas for coops and team
A very Merry Christmas to all my fellow players, and especially to Coops, and thank you to him for having given birth to this great game some 10 years ago! Happy Tenth Anniversary and long life to Core Exiles!
Steekay (Sophie)