Horizon Blockade Removed

Hi there folks, Gus Givens here with exciting news for the explorer faction amongst you. This morning has seen the removal of the blockade action that was in place surrounding the planet Horizon in Kalerd.

Late last night, scientists handed over their findings to the Explorer’s league, and have classified the Genesis created planet as ready for exploration. The League wasted very little time and petitioned the Coalition to allow them immediate access to the planet.

I’m currently watching a live feed here in the studio from our cameras in orbit, and I can see the last cruiser leaving the area. This marks the second planet to be created and completed by the Genesis Device. Now it’s up to the Explorers League to explore the planet, then turn over their data to the Planetary Sciences division.

They in turn will begin the process of classifying and dividing up the plots of land that will become available for Genesis Deployments.

Exciting time over in Verec-Per

Gus Givens
ISN News Desk

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