Happy New Year

A quick thank you to all of you that have stayed with us through 2022. Some of you I know have been with us since the first year waaaaay back, some of you joined us only recently. No matter your length of play – Thank you! You guys and Girls Make the community that Drives Core-Exiles and generally keeps players coming back each year.

I have a lot planned for 2023, will keep me busy coding and tweaking and deploying new items and even a whole new Galaxy and new methods for player lead Galaxy expansion. It’s going to be a crazy year for me :)

As a small thank-you for being with us this New Year’s Eve I have just dropped a 10,000 Fuel ticket on each and every account on the server.

I hope 2024 is good to us all and that you manage to carve out some time to keep coming back to play Core-Exiles.

All my best from me here in the CE office…


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